I am using a Windows 7 64 bit Intel core i7 950
with 12 GB RAM
no SSD and a Quatro FX 3800

I have heat issues, when rendering, and I'm liquid cooled.
I have had a lot of luck using Redshift (in Alpha) to render.
It uses the Quadro FX 3800 to render instead of the CPU

here is a render test of Redshift for Softimage done with the geforce 640

pretty impressive!

I would say your setup would work with Softimage and RedShift.
You may get the heat issues, that I do, with mentalray rendering.

I do have a second networked PC for rendering while I'm designing,
modeling, etc.
I found this essential for keeping up with the rendering. With RedShift,
I don't use it as much since RedShift is so fast.

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Johan Forsgren <johan.forsg...@edithouse.se
> wrote:

> Hey all, I'm currently hold a permanent position i small studio, but I'm
> starting to wonder if freelancing isn't the way to go for me, This brings
> me to the question of hardware, and I'm wondering if any of you freelancers
> can't give your input on what the minimum spec for a workstation should be.
> I cant afford anything beyond basic, really the no 1 reason that I'm
> thinking about freelancing is the complete lack of zero's on my bank
> statement. But it also limits my options equipment-wise quite a bit. I'm
> thinking something-ish like this:
> intel i5-3350P
> 8 gig ram
> geforce 640 gtm
> no ssd :(
> So I guess my question here is if there's possible to do simpler 3d work
> on a personal workstation like this? I understand that its POSSIBLE but how
> badly will I want to chew my arm of after say 6 months of freelancing doing
> product viz and motion graphics?
> --
> JOHAN FORSGREN CG ARTISTPhone + 46 31 752 20 00johan.forsg...@edithouse.se 
> Direct
> + 46 31 752 20 07Follow Edithouse at at 
> twitter.com/edithouse<http://www.twitter.com/edithouse> [image:
> example's logo] <http://www.edithouse.se/> Edit house Film Works
> www.edithouse.se Lilla Bommen 4a, S-411 04 Göteborg, Sweden
> www.twitter.com/edithouse


Best Regards,
*  Stephen P. Davidson**
       **(954) 552-7956
*    sdavid...@3danimationmagic.com

*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

 - Arthur C. Clarke


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