Thanks a lot guys! Set Reference Pose fixed it. I'm not sure how the pose could have changed, since as I said, these nulls are created by a script, and they are cluster constrained to a mesh, so I would not be able to move them. Anyway, the problem seems to be gone. Great! One more new thing learned today :-) .

On 30/10/2013 4:44 PM, Manny Papamanos wrote:
Yes, also you may have inadvertently moved the 'center' (Button top right) of the skin element after the mute.
Reset the center if that the case.
Also, doing a “set reference poses” should  alleviate this, I think you must do it on the deformers (bone elements) and skin.
Save ur scene first;)


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Eric Thivierge
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: Envelope Operator funkyness

If your nulls have moved since you initially did the bind yes. Select the mesh Envelope > Reset Actor. Watch for a shift of one of the nulls. 
One probably has moved for some reason.

If your nulls are in a good place where you want them, you can use the current positions of the nulls for the bind pose but selecting all of them and doing a Envelope > Set Reference Pose.

On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 4:35:17 PM, Sergio Mucino wrote:
Taking a closer look, this is happening when I do the mesh binding.
The mesh shifts a bit right away (no need to go through the weights 
editing step). Could it be related to transforms stored in the nulls 
I'm using to deform the mesh? I don't see how something like this 
could have been introduced, since all nulls were created by a 
script... anyway, just exploring all the options.
Thanks for any help!

On 30/10/2013 4:29 PM, Sergio Mucino wrote:
I'm seeing something a little bit odd, and I was wondering if it was 
normal, or if someone else had seen it before.
I've got a quite complex mesh that I'm enveloping to a set of nulls.
Everything is ok. I then do a Smooth Envelope Weights on the mesh, 
and then maybe tweak some weights using the Edit Weights table. Once 
I'm done, if I take the Envelope operator and mute it/unmute it, I 
can see the verts of the mesh shift positions. Sometimes (on other
meshes) its by a super tiny bit. Other times (as in this mesh) it is 
more noticeable.
I was wondering why this would be. Am I doing something that somehow 
disturbs the "rest shape" of the mesh stored by the operator (if it 
is that way how it works)? Can this cause problems down the road? Can 
it be prevented?
Thanks for any comments!


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