Absolutely nothing, or hundreds of our stand-ins would have issues :)
Absolutely nothing for the static kine state either, since for years we've
used compensation tricks changing that in unison to transform changes.

There are a lot of "this with that can make bad things happen" that are
borderline superstitious, but barring the odd bug here and there over the
years I've yet to see something that couldn't be explained by the user
misunderstanding or misusing features or properties.

Skinning and related properties in Soft are by far some of the most solid
and transparent out there.

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 7:54 AM, Eric Thivierge <ethivie...@hybride.com>wrote:

> I think he's referring to the Static_KineState transforms.
> Out of curiosity, what bad things can happen from neutral poses on meshes
> and deformers? Skinning uses the global xfo for calculations so the neutral
> pose has no affect on that.

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