Can this be done... without  Ice ? (GASP!)

On 1 November 2013 22:30, Renato Polimeno <> wrote:

> Hi Philipp,
> I might be able to put that into work for you..
> Does your dragon is already rigged/skinned?
> How many bones are driving the tail?
> How many controls do you need?
> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 8:18 PM, philipp seis <> wrote:
>> very interesting behaviour,...looks as if you created your own solver...i
>> d love to try it on a dragon-tail, but i would not know how to build a
>> propper control rig around it. I bet it would involve a lot of global/local
>> conversion in ICE, no ? Or, would you make that rig controllable if
>> you wanted to avoid manipulating a PPG ? Is there a simple way to go about
>> it ? Any Info on that would be appreciated.
>> 2013/10/31 Jeremie Passerin <>
>>> Nice !
>>> On 31 October 2013 05:58, Renato Polimeno <> wrote:
>>>> Hey guys,
>>>> I´ve done a recent study inside ICE based on Jeff Brodsky's trunk rig
>>>> demo and I´d like to share with you guys not only the video but also all
>>>> the progress files (.zip includes scenes, wips, compounds) I did for:
>>>> By the way I´ve tried dozen of techniques but I couldn´t figure out a
>>>> better way to make it more automaticly so I would appreciate any inputs or
>>>> ideas to update it =]
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> ______________________________
>>>> -> Renato Polimeno
>>>> twt @renatopolimeno <>
>>>> G+ gplus/renatopolimeno <>
> --
> ______________________________
> -> Renato Polimeno
> +55 11 9 7539 3615 (VIVO)
> fb renato.polimeno <>
> twt @renatopolimeno <>
> G+ gplus/renatopolimeno <>
> skype. renatopolimeno

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