preferences>sync mode>components

select whatever comp you want in the uv editor, make sure you are in some component mode in the 3d view. it should convert for you

*written with my thumbs

On Dec 21, 2013, at 7:48 AM, Tim Leydecker <> wrote:

Hi Ronald,

thanks,yes.That works but I seem to be unable to convert a selection
made in the Texture Editor to the corresponding Polys, Vertices or Edges?

Example, I select a few points in the Texture Editor but in the viewports, the corresponding UVs are displayed as selected and I can´t find a w ay to convert that active selection as displayed in the viewport to the actual
selection made in the Texture Editor.

It´s not a big deal but it would be nice to have to be able to selec t any subobject type in the Texture Editor and have the proper subobject type selected in the viewportsand be able to convert between selections as in the viewport menue options but including the UV/bisectors component type.

In Maya, you can do that and it sometimes speeds up things when creating
selections or manipulating UV shells or checking streching and such.

Also, in XSI I find it more difficult to determine if two UVs really align, where in Maya, I can see in the HUD if it´s one or two and merge the m to make sure or even simply check border edges to be displayed as thicker than edges
inside a shell.



On 21.12.2013 13:58, Toonafish wrote:
I'm not sure if I understood your problem correctly. But if you select an object in Softimage and go into any component mode ( polygon, points, edges ) and select some vertices in the Texture editor, the corresponding components will be selected in your viewport. At least, that's what happens at this end.


On 12/21/2013 13:30, Tim Leydecker wrote:
In Softimage, is it possible to have a selection of UVs
converted to the corresponding Polygons via the Texture Editor?

Something like a right click "convert selection to points/edges/ etc"?

I don´t mean an Island selection but just a few UVs.

In Maya you can do that, as UVs are treated as just another subobject mode (select shell/island is an extra right click>menu step compared to Softimage,thought).

In terms of general doom and gloom mode:

I´m currently unfolding props/assets and I need to jump in 3Dcoa t to do nice ABF/LSM unwraps with proportionally evenly distributed texture space/face, then go back to Softimage to find my current combo of "experimental" 3D coat build and Softimage gives me a bug and each UV´d face is coming in/out as it´s own s hell when using the *.obj format, so I just pipe Maya inbetween and merge all those back together with a very low threshold in Maya, getting back the shells as layouted in 3Dcoat, shuffle things a bit around using Unfold/Relax in Maya then export to Softimage, which just says thanks, if that´s what you like and let´s me cop y and paste the
result back to my intial geometry.

If all three(Max, Maya, Softimage) where one, I´d be fucked...


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