Softimage is the Dreamcast of DCC apps.

Playstation had the slick marketing, Dreamcast had the tech but got chewed
to pieces by the Playstation hype machine and Playstation won.  When Sega
finally gave up on the console business every man and his dog came out
singing the praises of the Dreamcast.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Stefan Kubicek <>wrote:

>  Is it just my biased point of view that all studios that closed or filed
> for bancruptcy last year were Maya based?
> It could of course be that there are more Maya based studios closing than
> Softimage based ones simply because there are more Maya based studios, but
> I still smell a pattern there.
> I always felt that the number of  users on Softimage is directly related
> to marketing efforts. I remember Alias/Wavefront doing a remarkable job in
> the early days of Maya in this regard. I never saw anything like that
> happening for Softimage at any time of it's existence.
> Ultimately, there are only two types of 3D artists: those who use
> Softimage, and those who have never tried. -> Get more prople to seriously
> try it.
> *So guys, I spent a weekend working with Maya…HOW THE F@CK THIS PROGRAM IS
> This is the same question I always ask myself after using Maya when
> required...  and Maya being the "Industry Standard" makes you understand so
> many things about the industry standards...
> 2014/1/6 Szabolcs Matefy <>
>> So guys, I spent a weekend working with Maya…HOW THE F@CK THIS PROGRAM
>> Ok, I can use Maya, I have a quite solid background working with Maya,
>> but seriously guys…It’s so overcomplicated, and brainkilling…In Softimage
>> almost everything is just fine (OK, we need development), but in Maya, the
>> easiest task takes quite long compared to SI…Finally I found myself fixing
>> UVs, Unfolding, etc. in Softimage…Anyway, I need some samples in Maya, so I
>> take a big breath, and continue working with Maya…But seriously, Softimage
>> is way better in many point of view. It has no artisan, has no PaintFX, but
>> for example rendering is way faster (with MR), shading setup is way faster,
>> modeling is lot faster, and so on. So I really don’t understand, how come
>> that Softimage is not acknowledged at all. I swear guys, that I’ll spread
>> the Word of Softimage
>> Cheers
>> Szabolcs
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *Henry Katz
>> *Sent:* Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:18 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: rumor, Soft dead within the next year
>> Good thing I asked.
>> On 01/04/2014 05:40 PM, Stephen Blair wrote:
>> Softimage doesn't support Python 3.x
>> On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Henry Katz <> wrote:
>> Steve,
>> No issues with python 3.3 as well, before I bruise my knuckles on the
>> bleeding edge?
>> Cheers,
>> Henry
>> On 01/03/2014 02:47 AM, Steven Caron wrote:
>> really?
>> install pyqt
>> set softimage to use system python, uncheck...
>> file>preferences>scripting>use python installed with softimage
>> run the example scripts pyqtforsoftimage plugin provides. or just 'import
>> PyQt4'
>> s
>> On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 10:27 PM, Angus Davidson <
>>> wrote:
>> A non nonsense guide to installing pYQT would be great. So many great
>> tools are never used because people cant get past trying to get the install
>> to work.
> --
> -------------------------------------------
> Stefan Kubicek
> -------------------------------------------
> keyvis digital imagery
> Alfred Feierfeilstraße 3
> A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien
> Phone: +43/699/12614231
> -- This email and its attachments are --
> --confidential and for the recipient only--

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