Following where I left it with my iPhone…

It is the perception that is cheaper that is the problem, I have proved myself 
and the company I work for now that it is not the case, super-senior people are 
indeed cheaper as they can get the job done much faster, the trick is simply to 
make sure there is as little downtime during the job and prioritise all you can 
so they are never waiting for others (that IS expensive)

The results are there for you to see, the last 3 jobs we have done over the 
last year were big challenges with such complexity and deadlines they would 
have backfired if it wasn't for our approach, a tiny team of super-seniors (all 
17+ years doing CG, 2 of them 25+ years doing CG). They do know what they are 
doing to a degree is difficult to explain.

The same happens with Softimage artists, they tend to come from the previous 
generation and are much more frugal, efficient and simply know what is 
happening under the bonnet and pretty much all the tricks, they become in my 
eyes much more valuable even if the daily rate is double or quadruple the rate 
of a junior because they can deliver 4-5x faster and nail it first time, they 
don't need an army of producers (also freelancers) poking artists around as if 
they were cows and building a huge amount of stress on the way.

my 2 cents part 2

Jordi Bares

On 7 Jan 2014, at 08:32, Jordi Bares <> wrote:

> The advantage is a logistic and economic one as having a rigger doing the 
> same job in 3 times the time is easier to find and you can stack people up if 
> necessary.
> Also the constant flow if students makes it cheaper (not true)
> On this I have a lot to say... 
> Jb
> Sent from my iPhone
>> Sorry maybe the "Industry Standard" has other benefits above Softimage.  I 
>> don't know what they are except that it is "easier to get a job" and it has 
>> a nice viewport....

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