Ah I see! Should have thought of that instead... :X Works great! I'll get around to scripting this into a button...

Thank you all for replying to this simple question!

Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

On 2/28/2014 9:36 AM, Manny Papamanos wrote:
Just equals expression a null to follow all 3 pos axis of the hip.
Now replace the posy expression and just put "5" (let say)  in the expression 
editor for the nulls posy.

Constrain the cam/effector  to that null.

Now you can use CnsComp.

AD Si and Mobu support

From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com 
[mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Siew Yi Liang
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 12:21 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: Constrain in only one axis instead of all 3?

Hmm maybe let me describe my problem a bit more...

I have a character that I'm planning to make run/jump forward etc. I would like 
to make an animation camera that follows his movement as he moves forward in 
space but without manually keying it (for now). So what I usually do elsewhere 
is just constrain the camera to his COG and then disable the constraint for 
axes that I don't need (otherwise vertical and horizontal movement combined in 
a camera is really vomit-inducing :P)

Right now my solution is:
null constrained to hip control (where this control's translates do not change 
as the animation progress)
direct expression camera root axis = null axis

But this doesn't let me keep the initial offset that the camera had (turning on 
ChildComp doesn't help unfortunately)...for now this is a simple workaround but 
I'm worried about in future what if I have to tackle a similar issue but with 
this exact same problem? Which is why I was wondering if anyone uses a simpler 
solution or if I have missed something about XSI constraints that allow for 

Yours sincerely,

Siew Yi Liang
On 2/28/2014 9:01 AM, patrick nethercoat wrote:
ah yes, i see.
how about setting the neutral pose on the constraining object (use current 
pose) before drag/dropping? May be a workaround for your situation if you can 
cope with the offset in your fcurves.

On 28 February 2014 16:29, Siew Yi Liang 
<soni...@gmail.com<mailto:soni...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi patrick:

Yes, I could make an expression that way, but I want a kind of automatic way to 
keep the constrained object at its original position (sort of having constraint 
compensation on) while making the expression...other than manually typing the 
offset values myself I was wondering if there was a better way to do this? (As 
sometimes the offset values won't always be readily available if there is a 
neutral pose, other things interfering etc...)

Yours sincerely,

Siew Yi Liang
On 2/28/2014 8:08 AM, patrick nethercoat wrote:
you can drag+drop fcurve widgets to create a constraint. that way you choose 
which axes are affected.
or am i missing?

On 28 February 2014 16:00, Siew Yi Liang 
<soni...@gmail.com<mailto:soni...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I can only do offsets so far using the standard UI...I've been looking through 
the docs as well for something that can help me out but I haven't seen anything 
yet that relates to this :X

Yours sincerely,

Siew Yi Liang
On 2/28/2014 7:51 AM, Sebastien Sterling wrote:
isn't it an option in the pose constrain PPG ?

On 28 February 2014 16:43, Siew Yi Liang 
<soni...@gmail.com<mailto:soni...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Had a quick question among all this current hullabuloo, hopefully it's not too 
silly...I was actually looking for a way to limit constrain to one/two axes in 
XSI on pos/rot/scale constraints, is there a way to do this in the constraint 
parameters itself? I can't find any such option...

Right now what I'm doing is making a null, using an expression to link whatever 
axes I want to the first constraining object, and then constraining my 2nd 
object to that null to get around the problem (because I need the 2nd object to 
remain in place. I feel like what I'm doing is a little silly though, does 
anyone use a better way or have I missed something really obvious in the 
constraint PPG?

Been doing some searching around and I couldn't find anything on this...

Any help would be appreciated! :D

Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

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