Another good example is the add edge tool. You can click on edges to connect the clicked points with edges, but to undo one such operation you don't press ctrl+z. Nooo, that would be too intuitive, right? You actually have to press the backspace button! Or you exit the tool, and press ctrl-Z, but that will remove all, not just the last edded edge. I shit you not!

Hey Brent thanks for the tip on the Sub D in Maya

More hotkeys to learn!  So let me see if I get this straight.  Instead of using the +/- to easily change my subD levels, I go from 1 to dispaly no subD then hit 3 to display the default  2 SubD level and UpPg and DnPg to change the SubD display.

But then if I want no SubD I hit 1 again or hit the PgUp key until I get to level 1 smoothness.

So I have two display modes.  1 is no subD display mode or level 1 smoothness, and 3 is SubD display mode.  I can only go with the PgUp and PgDn only if I am in 3 mode.  But if I am in 1 mode the PgUp and PgDn keys won't work.

Believe me that was the less thing of what I mentioned that I cared.

Go to rigging and start orienting your joints...

Also make an account in CreativeCrash you will be visiting that a lot to find scripts, donwloading them and see if they work.

You will have a very nice tool bar with lots of stuff!  You might also want to leave your script editor opened all the time with all the nice stuff you will be downloading.

I forgot to mention...  download a script for saving your weights after you skinned and weighted your mesh... You never now when you will need to rebuild your skin cluster.  Specially when you are doing corrective shapes.  There is a time and you will never know when the scripts you downloaded for extracting the skin, or getting the deltas will stop working.  Unless you detach your skin, and bind it again. If you don't have saved your weights, I don't want to tell you how bald you will be.

Save, save and resave your work before going to the next step in a complex rig.   You never know when Maya is going to crash or when you will need to go back.  Not becuase you are working on another version and want to go back because the other version was better.  Just because when something stops working it is better to go to a saved version than get under the hood and try to find what is not working. 

Be careful also when doing blend shapes.  If you delete the base of the mesh you used to get into the blend shape node and you want to remove that blend shape, there is no way to do it.  Unless of course you find a script that maybe will work.  I haven't found one that works, and I already downloaded like 3 or 4.

So better be prepared in organizing your scene space as you will have duplicates and duplicates all over your scene when working.  You can use the layers to group all the meshes you are using and that need to be there if you are still working on the blend and corrective shapes to hide them or make them visible.

Have patience with the Graph Editor and handling the handles of the curves. With time you will think is not that bad after all...

You cannot do math operations in the value boxes like in Softimage.

This is just to begin.

Make sure that in your journey you have a Dev or TD.  And be prepared to do your job in at least double the time.

Good luck in the Exodus, transition, flee or whatever you want to call it.

2014-02-28 2:51 GMT-06:00 Rob Wuijster <>:
And speaking of communities....

I know a lot of you don't like webforums, but is there, and will be for a long time.
Make it better, and join as well ;-)

On 27-2-2014 22:33, wrote:
Join the Maya list, hmmm how about we keep this list going, and continue
to help each other out as we always have

Autodesk thought they were buying code and developers, but the true heart
of soft was, and always will be this community...


Desperate times, maybe join the Maya list? Surely they will know better...

On Thursday, 27 February 2014, Vincent Fortin <> wrote:

SideFX's Masterclasses CMIVFX There's enough information there to make your head explode :-) On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Alan Fregtman
<>wrote: Anyone have recommendations for great Houdini tutorials? I know SideFx have some, but besides those? On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Mirko Jankovic <
trust me there is no tutorial that can help with frustration that you
have to deal with .... good luck. I know that I'm staying with SI for
to come.
Zombies are popular anyway so why not SI Zombie edition too :)

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Nicolas Esposito

Oh my god, its started!

I guess Digital Tutors would be a good starting point ;)

2014-02-27 21:33 GMT+01:00 Tim Crowson <>:

 sigh.... Is it that time already?


On 2/27/2014 2:20 PM, Lawrence Nimrichter wrote:

I'm separating this out from the "upgrade policy" thread and would like
keep it some what on topic as I am sure there will be plenty of artists
the coming months asking the same questions. Please start a new thread
talk about the politics.

 What are the best resources for migration, especially to Maya, for long
time Softimage users. Has anyone done the Maya training from Digital
Tutors, Lynda, Gnome, fxphd? Which is considered better for those of us
with years of production experience? Does anyone know of any gem video's
(for example: a Softimage video I always recommend for anyone wanting to
learn ICE is the Brad's Ice: An Artist Tour). What are the best training
resources out there?


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Stefan Kubicek
keyvis digital imagery
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