So they say, but I'm still hoping we won't be. For me maybe it's the 1st
phase - denial, I don't know.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 4:08 AM, Artur Woźniak <> wrote:

> So, paraphrasing some famous movie "we are proper fucked" starting
> tomorrow?
> Artur Woźniak
> 2014-03-04 2:45 GMT+01:00 Raffaele Fragapane <>
> :
> If I knew or if we were to I probably couldn't say it publicly within my
>> NDA.
>> But honestly speaking? I just don't know, nor have i given it much
>> consideration.
>> Personally, and this is me, nothing to do with AL, I'm so tired of the
>> whole commercial software thing since AD established absolute dominance
>> I've stopped caring much for any of them a while ago.
>> IMO there's this common misconception AD might give a fraction of a fast
>> moving orbital fuck about any of their Western M&E clients when it comes to
>> Soft, but in my experience and that of my connections that's simply not
>> true to any relevant extent.
>> Sure, you might get in with some devs or PMs, get some early access,
>> previews, participate in some programs, and have a friendly relationship
>> and so on, but ultimately when it comes to sales or the board nobody has
>> the dullest of hooks in there.
>> This is not to say the people in there, the real people, are anything
>> short of fantastic (some devs, leads and PMs are actually really nice,
>> involved and friendly), at least some of them, but the overall mechanism is
>> just not conducive any more to clients like the ones I work for to be truly
>> catered for, not to the extent smaller firms do.
>> I don't even hate Autodesk for it to be honest, it's a corp, it obeys
>> rules that paint us out of the picture. It'd be like getting mad at gravity
>> the next time I fall on my ass :p
>> If anybody has any swing with AD whatsoever when it comes to Soft it
>> could only be a Japanese client, or some of them associating (unlikely to
>> happen culturally).
>> I can't think of anybody outside of Japan with a triple digit number of
>> seats under maintenance.
>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Steven Caron <> wrote:
>>> Hey Raff
>>> Does Animal Logic have the weight to ask Autodesk for a site license? As
>>> a parting gift...
>>> Steven

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