This is probably the worst decisions Autodesk has taken. 

Looking back a the Gold Lion at Cannes, VES awards, the BTAA awards over the 
last few years where the work done by this close knit community has been 
recognised I am shocked you really think you by killing Softimage you are " 
committed to providing our customers with the most technologically advanced 
products and highest quality customer service possible"

My feeling is that you as a company have not gauged correctly how easy is to 
loose the trust of an entire community and how hard is going to get it back if 
at all possible.

Good luck

Jordi Bares

On 4 Mar 2014, at 17:01, Maurice Patel <> wrote:

> Over the past week there have been many rumors about the future of Softimage 
> posted on various forums and social media sites. Many of you have been 
> looking for an official confirmation or denial from Autodesk. Unfortunately, 
> we were not in a position to respond until today as we needed to finalize all 
> the details of our plans. But yes Softimage 2015 will be the last release of 
> the software. I wanted to share some of those details with you:
> -  Softimage 2015 will be the last release of the software
> -  We will continue to support the software and develop hot fixes and service 
> packs for two more years
> -  If they wish to, customers on Subscription will be able to transition to 
> Maya or 3ds Max at no cost while retaining the right to continue to use 
> Softimage in production/
> -  Existing customers will be able to purchase additional seats and/or rental 
> plans if they need to scale production
> Below is a copy of the letter that was sent electronically to Softimage 
> customers today. I have copied it here as our email distribution lists not 
> allow us to send it to those who have opted out.
> Because several of our partners have started posting the news early, we are 
> responding now but please note our web sites have not had time to upload all 
> the information yet.
> As early as possible but by no later than 3pm EST, we will have loaded all 
> the information including a detailed FAQ on 
><>. In the interim 
> I have also copied and pasted it below
> Within the next 15 minutes you can also visit 
>  to register for a live Q&A 
> webinar on Marc 18th at 12pm EST. as well as see the full documentation of 
> what is new in Softimage 2015.
> Maurice Patel
> Autodesk
> [Description: Autodesk]
> Autodesk Softimage 2015 Last Release Announcement
> To discuss your transition options Contact a 
> Reseller<>
> March 4, 2014
> Dear Softimage Customer,
> We are committed to providing our customers with the most technologically 
> advanced products and highest quality customer service possible. After 
> careful consideration, it has become necessary to make some changes to our 
> software portfolio in order to continue to do so.
> We therefore regret to inform you that the upcoming 2015 release will be the 
> last one for Autodesk(r) Softimage(r), which is expected to ship on April 14, 
> 2014. Autodesk will continue to offer product support until Apr 30, 2016. We 
> will also provide any necessary hot-fixes and service packs to all customers, 
> at no cost, until Apr 30, 2016.
> We understand that you will now need time to re-evaluate your production 
> capabilities. To help you, we are offering Autodesk(r) Subscription customers 
> special no cost options to migrate to either Autodesk(r) Maya(r) or 
> Autodesk(r) 3ds Max(r) while continuing to use Softimage in production. These 
> options will be available until Feb 1, 2016. Upgrade paths are also available 
> for customers who are not on Subscription.
> As of March 28, 2014, Softimage will no longer be available for sale to new 
> customers. However, we will provide existing customers with the option to 
> purchase either additional software licenses or new rental plans until Feb 1, 
> 2016. Our goal is to give you the flexibility you need to continue to use, 
> and scale, Softimage in production during the transition to either Maya or 
> 3ds Max.
> The Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite (ECS) Premium will no longer be 
> available for sale as of March 28, 2014. ECS Premium customers on 
> Subscription will receive Autodesk ECS Ultimate, at no additional cost. We 
> will also be reducing the price of ECS Ultimate software and Subscription. 
> Softimage 2015 will remain part of ECS Ultimate for a transition period of 
> two-years, after which it will be removed.
> Although this decision is a difficult one, we do believe that by focusing our 
> efforts we can better serve the needs of the media and entertainment industry 
> and provide customers with better products, faster. Autodesk wants to 
> continue its relationship with you into the future. We regret any 
> inconvenience that this may cause, however we believe you will find our new 
> transition product offerings very attractive.
> We understand that you may still have questions about this transition and 
> invite you to join us on Monday, March 17, 2014 at 12PM EST for a live Q&A 
> webinar. Please register and submit your questions 
> here<>.
> For more details please refer to the Questions and Answers section below.
> Sincerely,
> Marc Stevens
> Vice President Film & TV Solutions
> Autodesk
> Diana Colella
> Sr. Director M&E Industry Strategy & Marketing
> Autodesk
> Questions & Answers
> *
> Autodesk(r) Softimage(r) 2015 will be the last release of the software
> *
> Autodesk Softimage 2015 is expected to ship on April 14, 2014.
> *
> Autodesk will provide Softimage customers on Autodesk(r) Subscription with 
> support services until April 30, 2016.
> *
> Autodesk will provide all Softimage customers with any Hot Fixes or Service 
> Packs issued until April 30, 2016.
> *
> Autodesk will provide Softimage Subscription customers with the option to 
> migrate to a transition offering that includes either Autodesk(r) 3ds Max or 
> Autodesk(r) Maya(r) software at no additional cost.
> *
> Customers that migrate to a transition offering will still be able to 
> continue to use their Softimage license for the length of the transition 
> period.
> *
> Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite (ECS) Premium will be discontinued and 
> customers will receive Autodesk ECS Ultimate, free of charge.
> 1.
> What is happening to Softimage?
> Autodesk Softimage 2015 will be the last version release of the software. As 
> of March 28, 2014, customers will no longer be able to purchase new 
> standalone licenses. For Softimage customers who are currently on Autodesk 
> Subscription, there will be options to migrate to transition offerings that 
> include either Autodesk Maya or Autodesk 3ds Max for no additional cost. (see 
> question 5 for details).
> 2.
> How long will Autodesk provide support services for Softimage?
> Autodesk plans to provide support and maintenance services to Softimage 
> customers with active Autodesk Subscription contracts until April 30, 2016 or 
> until the end of their contract in cases where an existing contract has a 
> later expiry date. Customers renewing Subscription contracts will be able to 
> continue to do so until April 30, 2016. Where necessary, contracts after 
> March 28, 2014 will be prorated to end on April 30, 2016.
> 3.
> What about Service Packs?
> Ongoing maintenance development (Hot Fixes and Service Packs) will continue 
> for all customers (Subscription and non-Subscription) for a two-year support 
> period (until April 30, 2016). All customers will be entitled to any Hot 
> Fixes or Service Packs released for their version of software. However, an 
> Autodesk Subscription contract will be required to access any additional 
> customer support services.
> 4.
> Why is Autodesk discontinuing new releases of Softimage?
> This decision is necessary for Autodesk to keep pace with the industry's 
> rapid rate of change and to better serve our customers during this highly 
> turbulent transitional period for both visual effects and games. We need to 
> innovate faster while balancing our investment in the development of features 
> and functionality needed to support new and existing customer workflows. We 
> did not make this decision lightly. Many factors were taken into 
> consideration during the decision making process, including the impact on the 
> Softimage user base. Although the decision is a difficult one, we do believe 
> that by doing this we can better serve the needs of the industry as a whole 
> and provide customers with better product choices.
> 5.
> I am on Subscription. Is there a migration path for me?
> Yes, if you have an active Softimage Subscription contract you will be able 
> to migrate to the latest release of either Maya or 3ds Max, at no additional 
> cost. In order for you to continue to use Softimage while you transition we 
> have created two special offerings which will be available to you for a 
> limited time only (the transition period*):
> *
> Maya with Softimage: includes Autodesk Maya 2015 and Autodesk Softimage 2015
> *
> 3ds Max with Softimage: includes Autodesk 3ds Max 2015 and Autodesk Softimage 
> 2015
> This way, you can still use your license of Softimage for production work 
> while learning either Maya or 3ds Max.
> *The transition period is expected to last until February 1, 2016, 
> approximately 2 years. (Autodesk reserves the right to change this date at 
> any point in time and without notice)
> Please note that the right to use the Softimage license will terminate at the 
> end of the transition period if you are still on Subscription. You will be 
> transitioned to the latest release of either 3ds Max or Maya depending on 
> your initial choice. If you want to continue to use your Softimage license 
> after Feb 1, 2016 you should not renew your Subscription contract for a 
> period beyond that date. You will be able to continue to use Softimage but 
> will forfeit any future updates to either 3ds Max or Maya.
> [Description: Transition paths]
> 6.
> Do I have to migrate?
> There is no requirement to migrate. Softimage customers who are on Softimage 
> 2015 or earlier versions (with or without Subscription) can choose to remain 
> on their last version of Softimage. However, if you are on Subscription, you 
> can transition to either Maya with Softimage or 3ds Max with Softimage and 
> keep using Softimage 2015 and earlier versions while learning either Maya or 
> 3ds Max respectively.
> 7.
> Can I purchase new seats of Softimage?
> As of March 28, 2014 only existing Softimage customers will be able to 
> purchase new or additional seats of Softimage by purchasing either the Maya 
> with Softimage or 3ds Max with Softimage transition offerings. These 
> transition offerings will be available for purchase at the cost of $3,675 US 
> SRP* for the duration of the transition period (approximately two years (see 
> question 5)). These transition offerings will also be available as rental 
> plans for purchase at the cost of $575 US SRP quarterly, or $1,840 US SRP 
> annually. After the two year transition period customers will no longer be 
> able to purchase or rent new Softimage licenses from Autodesk.
> 8.
> Can customers who did not previously own Softimage purchase these bundles?
> No. The Maya with Softimage and 3ds Max with Softimage licenses are not 
> available to customers who do not currently own Softimage licenses.
> 9.
> I did not renew my Subscription. Can I transition to Maya or 3ds Max?
> If you have purchased a new license or upgraded your Softimage within the 
> last 365 days you can late-attach Subscription by paying the Late Renewal 
> fee. Once you are current and on Subscription you will have access to the 
> transition offerings previously described in question 5.
> 10.
> I am on an older version and wish to transition to Maya or 3ds Max. Can I?
> To be eligible to transition to either 3ds Max with Softimage or Maya with 
> Softimage you will need to upgrade your software to the latest version of 
> Softimage using standard Autodesk upgrade paths. Versions older than 6 
> versions back are typically not eligible for upgrades and other limitations 
> may apply. Once you have upgraded to the latest version, you must also 
> purchase a Subscription contract to gain access to the transition offerings 
> described in question 5.
> Please note that after February 1, 2015, Autodesk will no longer offer 
> software upgrades for purchase for all of its software products.
> 11.
> I recently purchased Softimage software/Subscription. Can I get a full refund?
> Standard Autodesk refund policies apply. Contact your reseller or, if 
> purchased on-line, refer to the following guidelines: Return and 
> Cancellations<>
> 12.
> Who can I talk to if I have questions about this program?
> If you have questions about this program please contact your Autodesk 
> Reseller or local Autodesk Representative.
> 13.
> What changes are you making to the Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites?
> As of March 28, 2014, Autodesk will make the following changes to its FY15 
> Entertainment Creation Suites (ECS) portfolio:
> *
> Autodesk Maya ECS Standard - NO CHANGE
> *
> Autodesk 3ds Max ECS Standard - NO CHANGE
> *
> Autodesk Softimage ECS Standard (available in Japan-only) - 2015 will be the 
> last version release.
> *
> Autodesk 3ds Max ECS Premium - will be replaced by Autodesk ECS Ultimate.
> *
> Autodesk Maya ECS Premium - will be replaced by Autodesk ECS Ultimate.
> *
> Autodesk ECS Ultimate will be reduced in price.
> 14.
> What is happening to Entertainment Creation Suite Premium customers?
> Autodesk Maya Entertainment Creation Suite Premium 2014 and Autodesk 3ds Max 
> Entertainment Creation Suite Premium 2014 will be the last releases of the 
> Premium suites. All Premium suite customers on Subscription will be 
> automatically fulfilled with Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite Ultimate 
> 2015. If you are not on Subscription you may be able to upgrade.
> 15.
> Will customers have to pay more when they are automatically fulfilled with 
> the Ultimate Suite?
> We will be re-pricing the Ultimate Suite (for both new licenses and for 
> Subscription) to be at similar prices to the previous Premium Suite. See the 
> question below for details on new Ultimate Suite pricing.
> 16.
> What is happening with the Entertainment Creation Suite Ultimate offering?
> Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite Ultimate will remain with the same 
> product composition for two years: Softimage 2015 and whatever the latest 
> versions of 3ds Max, Maya, MotionBuilder and Mudbox may be during that time 
> period. The Ultimate Suite will also be re-priced to match the previous price 
> of the Premium Suite at $6,825 US SRP*. Ultimate Suite Subscription prices 
> will also be reduced to be close to the price of the previous Premium Suite 
> Subscription with Advanced Support offering at $1,090 US SRP* (a $75 
> difference). After two years, Softimage will be removed from the suite.
> 17.
> What is happening with the Softimage Entertainment Creation Suite (Japan 
> only) offering?
> Autodesk Softimage Entertainment Creation Suite customers on Subscription 
> will be offered a free transition to either the Autodesk 3ds Max 
> Entertainment Creation Suite Standard or the Autodesk Maya Entertainment 
> Creation Suite Standard. Support will provided for two years. There will be 
> no new sales of Autodesk Softimage Entertainment Creation Suite after March 
> 28, 2014.
> To discuss your transition options Contact a 
> Reseller<>
> [Description: industry image]
> (c) 2014 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.  |  Legal Notices & 
> Trademarks<>
>   |  Privacy 
> Policy<>
> * The Suggested Retail Price (SRP) shown is Autodesk's suggested retail price 
> for the specified product and services in the United States. The SRP does not 
> include any allowance or provision for installation or taxes. The SRP is 
> displayed for reference purposes only, as the actual retail price is 
> determined by your reseller. Other terms and conditions may apply. Autodesk 
> reserves the right to alter the SRP, product offerings, and specification of 
> its products and services at any time without notice, and is not responsible 
> for typographical, graphical, or other errors that may appear on this site.
> Autodesk, Inc. * 111 McInnis Parkway * San Rafael, CA 94903
> If you do not want to receive commercial emails from Autodesk, please click 
> here<>
> Please do not reply to this email. Replies to this email will not be 
> responded to or read.
> Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, Maya, MotionBuilder, Mudbox, Softimage and 3ds 
> Max are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its 
> subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other 
> brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. 
> Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and 
> specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible 
> for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document.
> <winmail.dat>

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