All that, Jeremie, and....

- GEAR  ;-)
- The Tweak tool, with all its bells and whistles
- Reproject shape when smoothing (aka Relax)
- Smooth by Convexity/Concavity
- ICE-based instancing for populating enviros


On 3/7/2014 10:59 AM, Jeremie Passerin wrote:
Hey guys...

What do you want to see added to Maya ?
Autodesk is saying they will add Softimage features to the other packages... What is that ?

As a Rigger, here is what I will miss the most

- Gator
- ICE : Especially to create custom deformers
- Proper weights painting tools
- Weights Editor !
- The Operator Stack, reorder, delete operator...
- Being able to change modeling whith Envelope, Shapes already applied to the mesh
- Blend shape workflow

I would really like to hear Autodesk plan to incorporate some of those features in Maya. I'm guessing there not all super easy to merge, but some of them would be considered as amazing new feature by the Maya users.



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