Thanks a lot Mario!

Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.

2014-03-08 14:38 GMT-06:00 Mario Reitbauer <>:

> Sry Emilio it wasn't my intention to hurt any feelings.
> I won't post anything like that anymore but gonna be helpful instead.
> So if we want to keep softimage there need to be reasons presented to the
> managers they on the other hand can present to the shareholders.
> It needs to have an impact on the shareholders, otherwise AD management
> won't care. What could those reasons be ?
> 1) that many users won't migrate to maya
> --> cancel your subscription immediatly and stay with the actual version
> you got and tell them why you do it.
> 2) deliver them a list of studios and people who will not migrate to maya
> 3) i don't know what else shareholders and management could care about.
> In the end it's though to find anything which could impress the management
> that much that they would continue to develop SI.
> 2014-03-08 21:15 GMT+01:00 Emilio Hernandez <>:
> Well Mario, without any disrespect to your decision.
>> Move on.  We are holding here and we will.
>> You have already made up your mind.  So many of we.  And it is really
>> getting to start annoying that each time we are trying to put something.  A
>> guy with "Move on" pop in.
>> I think that by at this time and specially with Autodesk's yesterday
>> announcment that we can use Softimage perpetually.  Many have alraeady made
>> up their minds.
>> So move on man!   But please stop jumping in and say it is "useless".
>> Cheers and I wish you the best in your decisions.
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
>> 2014-03-08 14:09 GMT-06:00 Mario Reitbauer <>:
>> Mirko you are actually right. I guess it hits me harder then a lot of
>>> others beeing a TD (and Animator).
>>> But I know allready that I need to do the transtion within the next
>>> years and that I need to start yesterday.
>>> Just want to share my sight of view that its time to move on, even if
>>> they keep SI up.
>>> Nontheless, the longer SI is out there the easier it makes us the
>>> transition I guess.
>>> 2014-03-08 21:01 GMT+01:00 Mirko Jankovic <>:
>>>  Mario, I guess that most affected are specialized guys like you, like
>>>> my friend Alessio.. TDs and similar with skills that are pretty focused to
>>>> Softimage alone.
>>>> Let's face it, to learn to animate, light, render... in Maya coming
>>>> from Softimage, doesn't take much. Rigging is a bit different set of shoes.
>>>> Also small shops, generalist pretty much anyone that is kinda self
>>>> sustained is still not that affected as client doesn't ask what tool is
>>>> used but just interested in final result.
>>>> Also most of "small" guys are not even using like half of SI's power so
>>>> even couple years without upgrades, unless some big bugs are there, is not
>>>> a problem.
>>>> But bigger shops will move from SI, with that also shortage of jobs for
>>>> Softimage specialists.
>>>> Once 3rd party developers start developing that is beginning of the
>>>> real end.
>>>> Truth is 3rd party guys put Softimage on steroids and developed for SI
>>>> more than AD did and would do in the next 5 years at least.
>>>> So it is easier to understand pessimism coming from couple of your
>>>> posts.
>>>> But there is still a lot of time even for you and similar cases to
>>>> adapt, if needed well learn new tools and toys.
>>>> There are a lot of shops that will still stay with Softimage for years
>>>> to come so it is not like you will right away be left on dry, right??
>>>> On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 8:54 PM, Mario Reitbauer <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I would love to do that but as mentioned in another post.
>>>>> Now as we have seen what happend to SI (and might happen again if they
>>>>> keep it up) which company is going to stick to SI ?
>>>>>  I mean were are we guys gonna find jobs with SI ?
>>>>> Don't you think the harm is allready done ?
>>>>> 2014-03-08 20:30 GMT+01:00 Eric Turman <>:
>>>>> Nicely put Greg,
>>>>>> I have to add that I'm very weary of the "its just a tool" excuse.
>>>>>> Sticks and rocks put together are tools too but they can not achieve the
>>>>>> same quality in the brief period that a laser CNC machine can...and they
>>>>>> are both "just tools." Softimage is an amazing a force multiplier that
>>>>>> allows much smaller teams to accomplish tasks well beyond much larger 
>>>>>> teams
>>>>>> using other tools. It is a very myopic move for Autodesk to stifle
>>>>>> innovation.
>>>>>> -=Eric Turman
>>>>>> On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Greg Punchatz 
>>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>>> Keep up the noise people!!
>>>>>>> Change has already happened.... keep up the pressure folks. Write to
>>>>>>> your congressman..Ermm, I mean this guy...
>>>>>>> Please PLEASE... don't name call... but for god's sake let him know
>>>>>>> why this is a BIG MISTAKE for his company and yours! It's worse for them
>>>>>>> than it is for us, for them to kill simply makes no short or 
>>>>>>> long
>>>>>>> term sense. They are doing nothing but alienating users, not just on the
>>>>>>> Softimage side---as I have not met a single Maya or Max user that 
>>>>>>> actually
>>>>>>> likes the company called Autodesk.
>>>>>>> Let him know that there is a market for Soft..and the ONLY reason
>>>>>>> they are not making a killing on it is that they won't invest and market
>>>>>>> it...that's it...otherwise it would have been gaining and growing the
>>>>>>> user-base like mad.
>>>>>>> It also gives AD a safety net... Maya is busting at the seams...
>>>>>>> they are now having to make programs that run outside of Maya to do
>>>>>>> a tenth of what ICE does...Biofrost... Bio-hazard is more like it from 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> word on the street.
>>>>>>> If it falls apart, and AD falls on its face, as it has many times
>>>>>>> with attempted "rewrite" (Toxic any one?..remember that was supposed to
>>>>>>> turn into the 3d app, how quickly people forget ADs blunders. 
>>>>>>> How
>>>>>>> many millions were wasted on that dev...vs what it costs to buy and
>>>>>>> maintain soft???). Soft is the only recently rewritten core...major
>>>>>>> overhaul was done for ice.. major)
>>>>>>> What Autodesk needs is a Walt Disney, a John Lassiter or dare I say
>>>>>>> a Willy Wonka? It needs a visionary leader that has been in the 
>>>>>>> trenches of
>>>>>>> all aspects of 3d and compositing. Who understands the needs of the big 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> small shops alike...
>>>>>>> One who knows the future is not in a code base which is more than 24
>>>>>>> years old. One that understands that if the customer is happy, the stock
>>>>>>> holders will be happy. The person should not be driven by board 
>>>>>>> meetings,
>>>>>>> but rather exciting the entire 3d user base instead of alienating them.
>>>>>>> One who understands that what makes a great development team is
>>>>>>> great and transparent interaction with its beta testers..
>>>>>>> One who is not afraid to let one product outshine the rest on its
>>>>>>> own merits...(like the Whiskey Tree elysium demo that was axed at 
>>>>>>> siggraph
>>>>>>> last year since it outshone the Disney technology AD licensed.)
>>>>>>> One that understands there should be a production team at AD using
>>>>>>> their products to produce short films, so they have a freaking clue what
>>>>>>> the real world needs...this is how both softimage and alias used to do
>>>>>>> it...before they were bought by companies that simply don't understand 
>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>> creativity works...
>>>>>>> One that the user aspires to be like......because that person "makes
>>>>>>> the cool stuff"
>>>>>>> AD you are making creative software...AD needs to foster a creative
>>>>>>> culture...period. IF AD thinks you have, I can assure you that you have
>>>>>>> not... your results speak for themselves.
>>>>>>> Don't kill Soft, prop it up and keep it viable...and MARKET IT!
>>>>>>> It can already do so much your other two 3d apps can't...
>>>>>>> Do the same with the rest... keep them alive..until AD delivers a
>>>>>>> new modern app that we will all be happy to move to.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> -=T=-

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