Unfortunately for the the education sector we wont get students for a product 
that is no longer in development. That is a fact. We have already had very ugly 
correspondence from our current and past students to deal with. This also means 
that that the number of students leaving with Softimage skills will diminish 
fairly rapidly.

Unlike the commercial side we havent had a stay of execution. Once our current 
ARC licences run out that is it. Given AD had budged a bit on the commercial 
side I am always hopeful that they might do the same for us. Either way unless 
there is some commitment from AD to doing more then just leaving it on life 
support, we will no longer be in a position to teach SI. In our case we have a 
course starting in July and we either need to know there is enough of an about 
turn by AD by approximately  May (so our lecturers can have time to prepare for 
using a new app)

From: Mario Reitbauer [cont...@marioreitbauer.at]
Sent: 08 March 2014 10:38 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: Keep up the noise... (but don't be a dick)

Sry Emilio it wasn't my intention to hurt any feelings.
I won't post anything like that anymore but gonna be helpful instead.

So if we want to keep softimage there need to be reasons presented to the 
managers they on the other hand can present to the shareholders.

It needs to have an impact on the shareholders, otherwise AD management won't 
care. What could those reasons be ?
1) that many users won't migrate to maya
--> cancel your subscription immediatly and stay with the actual version you 
got and tell them why you do it.
2) deliver them a list of studios and people who will not migrate to maya
3) i don't know what else shareholders and management could care about.

In the end it's though to find anything which could impress the management that 
much that they would continue to develop SI.

2014-03-08 21:15 GMT+01:00 Emilio Hernandez 
Well Mario, without any disrespect to your decision.

Move on.  We are holding here and we will.

You have already made up your mind.  So many of we.  And it is really getting 
to start annoying that each time we are trying to put something.  A guy with 
"Move on" pop in.

I think that by at this time and specially with Autodesk's yesterday 
announcment that we can use Softimage perpetually.  Many have alraeady made up 
their minds.

So move on man!   But please stop jumping in and say it is "useless".

Cheers and I wish you the best in your decisions.

Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.

2014-03-08 14:09 GMT-06:00 Mario Reitbauer 

Mirko you are actually right. I guess it hits me harder then a lot of others 
beeing a TD (and Animator).

But I know allready that I need to do the transtion within the next years and 
that I need to start yesterday.
Just want to share my sight of view that its time to move on, even if they keep 
SI up.
Nontheless, the longer SI is out there the easier it makes us the transition I 

2014-03-08 21:01 GMT+01:00 Mirko Jankovic 

Mario, I guess that most affected are specialized guys like you, like my friend 
Alessio.. TDs and similar with skills that are pretty focused to Softimage 
Let's face it, to learn to animate, light, render... in Maya coming from 
Softimage, doesn't take much. Rigging is a bit different set of shoes.
Also small shops, generalist pretty much anyone that is kinda self sustained is 
still not that affected as client doesn't ask what tool is used but just 
interested in final result.
Also most of "small" guys are not even using like half of SI's power so even 
couple years without upgrades, unless some big bugs are there, is not a problem.
But bigger shops will move from SI, with that also shortage of jobs for 
Softimage specialists.
Once 3rd party developers start developing that is beginning of the real end.
Truth is 3rd party guys put Softimage on steroids and developed for SI more 
than AD did and would do in the next 5 years at least.
So it is easier to understand pessimism coming from couple of your posts.

But there is still a lot of time even for you and similar cases to adapt, if 
needed well learn new tools and toys.
There are a lot of shops that will still stay with Softimage for years to come 
so it is not like you will right away be left on dry, right??

On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 8:54 PM, Mario Reitbauer 
<cont...@marioreitbauer.at<mailto:cont...@marioreitbauer.at>> wrote:
I would love to do that but as mentioned in another post.

Now as we have seen what happend to SI (and might happen again if they keep it 
up) which company is going to stick to SI ?
I mean were are we guys gonna find jobs with SI ?

Don't you think the harm is allready done ?

2014-03-08 20:30 GMT+01:00 Eric Turman 

Nicely put Greg,

I have to add that I'm very weary of the "its just a tool" excuse. Sticks and 
rocks put together are tools too but they can not achieve the same quality in 
the brief period that a laser CNC machine can...and they are both "just tools." 
Softimage is an amazing a force multiplier that allows much smaller teams to 
accomplish tasks well beyond much larger teams using other tools. It is a very 
myopic move for Autodesk to stifle innovation.

-=Eric Turman

On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Greg Punchatz 
<g...@janimation.com<mailto:g...@janimation.com>> wrote:
Keep up the noise people!!

Change has already happened.... keep up the pressure folks. Write to your 
congressman..Ermm, I mean this guy...


Please PLEASE... don't name call... but for god's sake let him know why this is 
a BIG MISTAKE for his company and yours! It's worse for them than it is for us, 
for them to kill soft..it simply makes no short or long term sense. They are 
doing nothing but alienating users, not just on the Softimage side---as I have 
not met a single Maya or Max user that actually likes the company called 

Let him know that there is a market for Soft..and the ONLY reason they are not 
making a killing on it is that they won't invest and market it...that's 
it...otherwise it would have been gaining and growing the user-base like mad.

It also gives AD a safety net... Maya is busting at the seams...
they are now having to make programs that run outside of Maya to do a tenth of 
what ICE does...Biofrost... Bio-hazard is more like it from the word on the 

If it falls apart, and AD falls on its face, as it has many times with 
attempted "rewrite" (Toxic any one?..remember that was supposed to turn into 
the 3d app too..lol, how quickly people forget ADs blunders. How many millions 
were wasted on that dev...vs what it costs to buy and maintain soft???). Soft 
is the only recently rewritten core...major overhaul was done for ice.. major)

What Autodesk needs is a Walt Disney, a John Lassiter or dare I say a Willy 
Wonka? It needs a visionary leader that has been in the trenches of all aspects 
of 3d and compositing. Who understands the needs of the big and small shops 

One who knows the future is not in a code base which is more than 24 years old. 
One that understands that if the customer is happy, the stock holders will be 
happy. The person should not be driven by board meetings, but rather exciting 
the entire 3d user base instead of alienating them.

One who understands that what makes a great development team is great and 
transparent interaction with its beta testers..

One who is not afraid to let one product outshine the rest on its own 
merits...(like the Whiskey Tree elysium demo that was axed at siggraph last 
year since it outshone the Disney technology AD licensed.)

One that understands there should be a production team at AD using their 
products to produce short films, so they have a freaking clue what the real 
world needs...this is how both softimage and alias used to do it...before they 
were bought by companies that simply don't understand how creativity works...

One that the user aspires to be like......because that person "makes the cool 

AD you are making creative software...AD needs to foster a creative 
culture...period. IF AD thinks you have, I can assure you that you have not... 
your results speak for themselves.

Don't kill Soft, prop it up and keep it viable...and MARKET IT!
It can already do so much your other two 3d apps can't...

Do the same with the rest... keep them alive..until AD delivers a new modern 
app that we will all be happy to move to.



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