Yeah Steven is right. Also what Bradley Gabe mentioned. You would of
thought a professional multi million pound corporation would of maybe
thought of this before an EOL for softimage.

If you have the choice of what software you can go to in your studios. I
would suggest choosing a software from a company that truly seems to care
and maybe has a bit of scope to grow with what you need as a company and an
artist. Something you can help sculpt while you transition. Not help make
some back peddling bolt on to some software that was not ment to work like
softimage as was not built from the ground up and every part of the
workflow made to gel and work together.

Unfortunately I just don't see them changing there mind about this god
awful decision. Makes me sad.

My list is


construction history

Multi ppg changes

Dont know what to call this one. But I'll like that when I make a small rig
or some thing with construction stacks and operators tied to other objects,
when I duplicate them all for the new objects everything is tied to the
correct objects.

Passes system

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