quoting Raf here from cgtalk forum last night. was going to tweet but
too long, wish I had listened to this kind of advice in 2008

"If you are an AD M&E client, be it Maya, Max, MoBu, Mudbox or
anything else that isn't Soft, and this hasn't alarmed you in the
least, you are a shortsighted fool."

are all Autodesk M&E customers short sighted fools?  they sure as hell
treat us that way

On 18 March 2014 20:27, Bk <p...@bustykelp.com> wrote:
> I don't "find it hard to believe".
> Autodesk have shown clear as crystal that they don't care, at least not
> humanly care. They "care" in a managed collateral damage kind of way, but it
> all comes back to what can you get away with that will have minimal negative
> impact on your company.
> If autodesk had any shred of decency, they would bend over backwards to help
> the customers who's lives they have turned upside down, not enforce time
> limits and restrict ability to get new seats etc.
> You have done as a company one of the worse things you could have done for
> Softimage users by EOL ing the software we have spent our careers mastering,
> but that is no the half of it.The part that really stings is the adding of
> insult to injury through blatant manipulative strong arm tactics.
>  It's a modern equivalent of Europe storming the Americas and we are the
> natives. The Europeans justified it to themselves that they were bringing
> civilisation to the savages. You no doubt think believe that you are
> offering us something of value too and we just cant see it, but that shows
> utter disregard for a viewpoint other than your(AD's) own.
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Maurice Patel
> <maurice.pa...@autodesk.com<mailto:maurice.pa...@autodesk.com>> wrote:
> Hi Paul, Adam
> We do understand that people build their livelihoods on our software. This
> is something we take seriously, although (with good reason)  you might find
> it hard to believe right now. Every year we spend significant resources
> maintaining legacy code so that the new features we add to our products
> don't radically disrupt customers workflows. We really do try not to take
> unnecessary risks with our software. And we have an incredibly long track
> record  of developing software for the long term - one can just look at
> AutoCAD and 3ds Max. Even acquisitions like Flame and Maya have continued to
> be extensively developed at Autodesk as have other product acquisitions.
> We have stated and are committed both to developing our core products and to
> innovating. Our decision to focus on 3ds max and Maya was so we could
> continue to do both adequately (not one or the other). We are a high tech
> company so it wouldn't be realistic to expect us not to try to innovate even
> if the risks are high. That does not mean that is all we do.
> I am not denying that Softimage customers are now facing some challenging
> decisions. But several have said on the forum, and I would personally agree
> with them, that in this industry - as in any high-tech industry - it can be
> risky to have all your eggs in one basket, even if that means looking
> outside of Autodesk (and there are some very interesting solutions out
> there). Giants fall (look at SGI). We are not immune to that either.
> Personally, I do not think that will happen, but no one at Autodesk will
> ever make any explicit guarantees about the future. All I can say is make
> your software decisions based on what you see today - anything else would
> be, to a certain extent, vaporware and speculation, especially the farther
> out you look.
> maurice
> Maurice Patel
> Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134<tel:514%20954-7134>
> From:
> softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com<mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com>
> [mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com<mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com>]
> On Behalf Of Paul Griswold
> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 12:15 PM
> To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com<mailto:softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>
> Subject: Re: Autodesk webinar
> In Softimage we have a production-proven, solid tool.  ICE works TODAY, not
> 2 years from today, not in a dream of a product called Bifrost, but right
> NOW.
> Are you telling everyone here who has based their ENTIRE business around
> Softimage, we should trust Autodesk to have a fully functioning tool ready
> that will do EVERYTHING Softimage can do TODAY by the time Softimage hits
> the end?  We should believe that after you've just admitted that Skyline was
> a failure?
> These aren't a bunch of ideas or concepts here, these are our businesses!
> We feed our families, we pay our bills, we survive based on Softimage and
> now we have to hope that somehow Bifrost is not in the 99% failure, but 1%
> innovation?
> Do you seriously want us to bet our future on that?  Would you go home and
> tell your significant other that rather than focusing on a tool that works
> for you, makes money for you right now, you're betting everything on a
> promise from Autodesk??
> Who on earth does business like that??  Is Autodesk going to pay our
> mortgages or feed our families when Bifrost falls apart?  Because unless
> that's the plan, I can't think of a single sane person who would go along
> with this Maya-only plan.
> This is absolutely a terrible way to do business and everyone at Autodesk
> knows it.  They've just dug in their heels to avoid looking like they've
> made a colossal mistake.
> -Paul
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Adam Sale
> <adamfs...@gmail.com<mailto:adamfs...@gmail.com><mailto:adamfs...@gmail.com<mailto:adamfs...@gmail.com>>>
> wrote:
> Maurice, in all of this talk the one glaring omission is this. You guys are
> always trying to innovate. You have said success is often 99 percent failure
> to one percent success. Well, in the event bifrost falls by the wayside like
> skyline did, all of a sudden autodesk will have zero node based solutions to
> do the type of ice work we expect of a dcc product. How is that a wise move
> as a company? Its like throwing out the baby with the bath water and seems
> incredibly short sighted. So as we move to bifrost to begin our transition
> away from ICE, we may be in this same mess a couple years down the road if
> it doesnt pan out. Imagine the fallout then.. people will go absolutely
> nuclear on AD.
> Adam
> <winmail.dat>

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