*"OpenSubdiv, Alembic, Open EXR are not acquired code - they are
open-sourced standards that the industry is adopting that we support. It
seems clear that you feel that those standards are of little use".*

Ow Maurice ! how wrong of you. I'm extremely aware of the value of
Opensubdiv, Alembic and all this exiting stuff coming into standard
practice across the industry.

 The entire point i was trying to make was;

 What have you done AUTODESK that is comparable to these feats of ingenuity

.... .... .... Skyline?

Worse! You could have done something beautiful and integrated Opensubdiv
and Alembic across the board in all you product creating both unity and
harmony. But yours was the selfish rout wasn't it?

To share it in only one of your applications and let your other customers
languish in discontent wondering:

"Do we matter so little ?"

Do you think Open Subdive would be amiss in a package like 3D studio MAX ?

Did Maya users need to wait 16 years for its integration ?

Did you think Softimage users, would not of benefited from Alembic ?

What about Python ? did you ever take the time to check out the most
Requested feature on the Softimage user list ?


Up until recently, that was PyQt integration... not much to ask,
considering i see you integrated it into Max this release...

Open subdiv is available in Modo...

Alembic is also part of Nuke...

You say that clients dissuade you from developing proprietary Formats, but
do you even understand what makes alembic or open EXR so revered ? They
fill intimate needs within the industry and even better the people who
developed them opened them up to the world, for free, it must have cost
thousands of dollars and hours to develop these solutions, and yet they
where put out there. because the people wanted these solutions to be
adopted to better the industry.


*"We do a lot. We have large teams of engineers and we invest significant
amounts of money paying their salaries - you just need to visit our
facilities to see that. The bulk of our code is developed internally from
*I'*m sure you do, maintaining decade old cores alongside re-purposing
acquired Technology. and I'm sure that the people you have doing this are
all qualified and talented individuals. never think i blame your staff for
any this, they are not at fault here.

*We could take that risk if we were a start-up with no customers but we
have hundreds of thousands. And they need their current products to move
forward not to stop for the next 7 years while we try to do this*

Considering you bought up the main three DCC work horses, then spent the
next 12 years maintaining them in a state of artificial stagnation so as to
avoid one of them outstripping the other...

Hell you kept them so stagnant. you created a demand for better software.

Side FX and Luxology owe you for the void you created and allowed them to

And that's what this is about. one day you realize the world is moving on,

and all of a sudden you want out of your own little festering monopoly.

So you decide to frantically rip some shit up and destroy some livelihoods,
cause it's not like they weren't thousands of users.

it's not like they had families and children, mortgages, collage educations.

You fucked up their working lives, and considering you seem hell bent on
perpetrating this folie in 2 years time,

do you really need to fuck up the message as well ?

*That's what i find amazing.*

I don't think people want to hear " we are really sorry BUT..."

BUT we need to move on..

BUT, we will develop transition methods...

BUT you can upgrade to a new Maya or max...

It's about giving these people a last measure of human dignity, you have
hurt them so bad.

It's having the respect not to try and put a gleeful spin on this.

It's about having the decency and common sense not to indulge in mocking


You see that ? you just insulted thousands of good competent artists, From
the top of your 2015 campaign banner you declared them old, and irrelevant.

What a type you must consort with, to not fear beating for such an insult.

What unnatural men.

Is this your idea of good PR?

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