Emilio, buddy, i think that answer was too much. This kind of mail is
exactly what Raffaele refers to. You just could simply not answer this, or
if you are in the need of telling him this, discuss it in private mails,
not here.
Please lets keep calm, we are all profesionals here, and gentlemen ;), so
please behave like that.


On Thursday, March 20, 2014, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com> wrote:

> Thx Dave that was the point. To bring a little humor in a non personal or
> direct way.  But for some high heels people it is an insult.
> @Raffaele
> Again with all my respect.  And now that you brought this to a more
> personal level.
> Tell me who I have insulted in this list according to you.  Less to say,
> I have seen really unprofessional post of the high gurus around here. You
> are the one jumping everywhere you can, playing your Zeuz of the list role.
> At first, you treated us like imbeciles that have nothing to do with "the
> industry" telling us to migrate.  You even went on Alok telling him, in
> your great elloquent writing that he was a stupid for start developing
> tools for Softimage for free.   Super constructive coming from you...
> Then Paul Smith came in telling that he is opening a new studio based on
> Softimage and again with your high quality prose, you told Paul, who really
> has created the most extensive free Softimage tutorials on line
> library, that he was another stupid for founding a new studio on a death
> software.
> Then you seemed to be defending Autodesk and jumping in every post you
> could saying that Softimage was old technology and that we were blind,
> fanatics and stupids for continue to use a death software and that we were
> doomed.
> Now you are bashing again aginst Maya.
> You tried to show off when I posted the figures of the industry estimates,
> bringing  other industries abroad that were no related and that you have no
> knowledge other than Google.  Like the patents post, that you quicky
> covered yourself by replying immediatly that you have no idea.
> You even terrorized Luc Eric with your laberynthic response that confused
> him, and finally he even apologized of thinking he was replying at
> something else.
> You come at  anyone you feel you can step on, because of your
> superknowledge of "the industry" and your beautiful prose.
> I don't need to show my credentials, neither tell you since when I added
> to this list. Or what contribuitions I have made or not, as I rather prefer
> to keep a low profile when I help people intstead of inflating my
> chest, and yell it to the corners of the world.
> Yes, I have been sarcastic about Autodesk and their innovations and
> techology as many of us. But at least I have been straight since this
> Autodesk mayhem happened, that maybe for you at the comfort of your chair
> and behind your big desk, the rest are a bunch of fanatics ready to burn
> Autodesk's headquarters.
> But outside your big studio paraphernalia is a whole world of artists that
> struggle and battle in other fields.  A world that from what I've been
> reading from your tons of latest posts, you don't know nothing.
> So if you don't like my posts, stop jumping in with your high heels.
> Indeed Jordi and others are doing what they believe.  The Houdini guide he
> offered is an amazing one, and I already started reading.
> What have you done?  Nothing but tell the rest that we are a bunch of
> fanatics with the XSI logo tatooed on our butts. Drop our tool, and move on.
> So don't fill your mouth with other people names.
> As you have contributed as well as the rest of us to the actual state of
> this list.
> As you are migrating or already did from this old technolgy I don't
> understand why you are still here bulling anyone that you feel he is
> inferior or a junior.
> I am staying because I will keep continue to use Softimage until I find
> something better. Which I doubt.
> Seems that the LEGO success overcame you and forgot that the name of the
> movie is LEGO, not EGO.
> Funny you don't remember me, as I remember you when you were a simple nice
> guy.
> I,ll be looking forward for you contribiutions like the one from Mr. Bares.
> Cheers and have a good day at mount Olimpus where everything is wonderful.
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.

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