Dare I ask the issues with Maya Muscles?

On 1 April 2014 10:25, Raffaele Fragapane <raffsxsil...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> For the record, I would probably chew on broken glass, lead, salt and
> lemon mixed up before I'd use Maya's muscle system.
> Of all the OOTB things Maya offers very few are truly stellar in my
> experience, possibly none, and only a handful total are actually nice and
> useful.
> For a while nCloth was one, in example, and compared to XSI's lack
> thereof, paired with several other things, it contributed to the feeling of
> old that Maya was more open AND, however wonky, had more canned tools as
> well (fluids, cloth, muscles etc.).
> Very few of those stood the test of time.
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Jordi Bares <jordiba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> May be the status quo but don't fool yourself, animators don't tend to
>> need much other than a good rig and toolset around and decent performance,
>> I don't think it is a defining factor and here at Realise we have tested it
>> in production yet again.
>> With our latest project we animated using Maya for a number of good
>> reasons at the time (service provider using maya, rigger available,
>> animators available, tracking guys needing licenses) and I will regret all
>> my life.
>> The amount of paint inflicted on us because of Maya instability with
>> muscles (major bugs there), or an extremely painful manipulation tools to
>> create corrective shapes and poses, or substandard toolset for animators
>> (yes, I am talking ATOM here) made yet another scar on my skin.
>> To be honest, before animation we were 3 weeks *ahead* of schedule, when
>> we finessed animation we ate that advantage so you tell me if it is the
>> least problematic animation tool and I have a nervous laugh every single
>> time.
>> The good news is that I saw it coming and prepared myself for it so the
>> situation was correctly managed (we extended everybody 1 more week too
>> which btw means $$$) and we got out of it without affecting the quality of
>> the project.
>> Sorry to be negative here, Maya may be the standard and as such
>> unavoidable, but like someone else on the list said, it is like making love
>> to a cheese grater.
>> jb
>> On 31 Mar 2014, at 22:47, Raffaele Fragapane <raffsxsil...@googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Currently Maya is the one that involves the least problems with
>> animators, and it has OK rigging facilities and is expansible enough to
>> cover what gaps are left.
> --
> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
> and let them flee like the dogs they are!

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