They just don't work through and through in my experience.
They don't scale well, they are clunky to set up, impossible to iterate on,
and generally very, very old stuff.
I've seen them put to good use once or twice, but for very quick, very low
res (by muscle standards) stuff. I would a lot sooner use a set of well
engineered wraps and skinning tricks at any scale than Maya muscles.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Peter Agg <> wrote:

> Dare I ask the issues with Maya Muscles?
> On 1 April 2014 10:25, Raffaele Fragapane <>wrote:
>> For the record, I would probably chew on broken glass, lead, salt and
>> lemon mixed up before I'd use Maya's muscle system.
>> Of all the OOTB things Maya offers very few are truly stellar in my
>> experience, possibly none, and only a handful total are actually nice and
>> useful.
>> For a while nCloth was one, in example, and compared to XSI's lack
>> thereof, paired with several other things, it contributed to the feeling of
>> old that Maya was more open AND, however wonky, had more canned tools as
>> well (fluids, cloth, muscles etc.).
>> Very few of those stood the test of time.

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