On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 8:17 AM, Leendert A. Hartog <hirazib...@live.nl> wrote:
> Well, there still is a marked difference between someone who is ill-informed
> and makes an odd remark based on this and someone who actively
> engages/believes in conspiracy theories.
> Throwing the term "conspiracy theory" around in these kind of discussions
> somehow might give the impression someone is thinking the other to be some
> sort of nut-job.
> And such confusion should be avoided, I guess...

Nice to trim the post, but let's  reread what was posted before
defending it as not conspiracy-like. "AD has always played politics
with its upgrades, it's not about giving you the most efficient tools
today, but releasing them in a slow staggered and incomplete fashion,
so it takes several release and considerable investment before you
actually get a functional addition to your workflow"

It's heading towards conspiracy territory indeed.  That it all could
have been done years ago in one shot, but the company simply chose to
not do it to get more money.

This type of releases would be an encouraging sign of constant
development for Modo or Houdini, or anyone else, including Softimage
at Avid.

We could cynically say Softimage always knew it had a particle
problems from day one, but they knew users wouldn't jump to ship, so
they waited as long as they could before doing anything.  Then of
course they were panicking with the loss of some clients and started
to be "listening a lot" to uses all the sudden about it and made ICE.
Why didn't they listen the 10 years before that?  Particles didn't
start being to be a problem in 2006!

Or we could cynically say Softimage always could have support third
party renderers (even talked about PRMan support at one point), but
decided to only support Mental Ray, and a pipeline based on
softimage's proprietary shaders, so that they could get people trapped
into paying them for mental ray licenses. Politics! Then finally
around V6 they decided to open up an API they "must have had all along
internally" and declared they were listening and how "open" they were

See, anyone can be cynical and make stuff up that sounds real.  And
anyone has the right to call you out on that.

I could do this all day!  Let's do more, just to fan the flames??  No?
 OK anyway!

How about  Softmage doing absolutely nothing in animation in the last
10 years probably because they were not losing any japanese
subscription money over that!  The last thing done was the Shape
Manager, a project probably paid "by a big client". How about "turn
edge"?? That was "touted a big feature" but it's a trivial thing game
modellers have been asking since the days of Softimage|3D!  How about
user normals!  That was a implemented as a plugin in the netview and
it took 10 years before that was finally put in natively and then they
"touted it as big feature" even though it "must been trivial" since
they must have had "all the code already"!  Etc.. etc..  etc..

It is the upmost cynicism to say that stuff like Bifrost or viewport
enhancement is getting released incrementally to get more money.
Every user of every package out there saying, give us more frequent
updates, help us validate your features by seeing them and using them
as they are being developed.  There are monthly drops in the beta
forums, and then if something is ready to go, it's released in an
extension release to get it out there to a larger audience ASAP.

Drawback, if you release things it adds more time to the development
time because you have to clean some things up earlier. For example
Softimage people worked between 2 and 3 years on ICE v1.0.  Although
it was probably impossible for that project, if they had made an
intermediate release it might have added another year to the full
V1.0.  But the team did drop things like IK, applying ICE trees in
branches and other stuff to make v1.0.

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