I once had a similar problem while working on location at a company. The only work around solution was to open the rendertree first (in a clean scene) and than load the scene. I thought it maybe was caused by issues with the workgroups as it seems the crash was related to the rendertree loading some shader/rt_compounds when opened first. But I didn't had the time to investigate the problem in detail. So the workflow was open SI, hit 7 and than load the scene.


I'm still having crashes on one particular machine using SI 2013.
on one particular scene, a big 500Mo object from cad, as soon as I hit 7, XSI crashes.
I have a Quadro 4000 I already updated the drivers last month.

Now I wonder if there are some settings I should tweak.

This doesn't happen on other machines. It opens fine on a quadro 1800 machine.

Anything to check ? any settings files to delete ?

Would greatly apreciate advices.

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