Accurately, succinctly and poignantly stated Matt.

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Matt Lind <> wrote:

> So let me get this straight.
> We have been developing a project for 9+ years starting in April 2005
> using XSI v3.5.  As you can imagine, that's a ton of content.  Unlike most
> film/video projects which finish in 36 months or less and can sweep
> problems under the rug thereafter, our product will ship next month and
> will need to be maintained for many years while still needing access to
> data we created as much as 9 years ago.
> We have tried to upgrade annually, but were stuck on Softimage 7.5 for
> nearly 5 years because Autodesk could not produce a functional release of
> Softimage void of major showstoppers we could upgrade to until 2013 SP1 was
> released - even then we had to work around some issues to make the jump.
>  But because of changes to the real time shader API and other behavioral
> changes/regressions, we cannot open many of our scenes from 7.5 in 2013 SP1
> or else they will break.  But instead of allowing us access to a version of
> the software to keep our production going, you're telling us we have to
> purchase more licenses to work around a problem you guys created and forced
> upon us?
> I don't think that's fair or reasonable.
> Matt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Maurice Patel
> Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 7:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: MayaSoft - previous versions
> Hi Leoung,
> No you can only have one version per license. Subscription entitles you to
> choose whether that is the latest version (2015) or any one of three
> versions prior (2012, 2013, 2014) as long as you have usage rights to that
> version. You cannot have multiple versions installed concurrently you must
> choose only one version. Usage rights require that you have actually
> purchased and used those prior versions. So for example if a new customer
> purchases software from Autodesk for the first time (with Subscription)
> they will have not have any prior versions to access. A year later a new
> release comes out  and they upgrade. They will now have 1 prior version
> they can access. A year later two and so on.
> Prior versions were created so that companies/users could try out new
> versions without having to upgrade their pipeline (which might be
> disruptive to an ongoing production). They could upgrade licenses for
> testing and then switch them back to their production version when needed.
> Please note that we are creating a special exception for Softimage
> customers who migrate to Maya or 3ds Max whereby they will inherit prior
> version access for those products if they had them for Softimage.
> More than three years back are not supported. Exceptions can be negotiated
> with Sales in very special cases and typically only for large
> installations. It is not really feasible for Autodesk to keep supporting
> every version of every software they ever delivered, and the costs if we
> did so would be huge - and would make the software unnecessarily expensive
> to the end user.
> If you absolutely must have access to 7.5 and still want access to our
> latest software the best solution is not to upgrade your license but to
> keep it and buy a new license of the Maya with Softimage bundle. That way
> you can continue forward with new releases and whenever you want to still
> fire up 7.5. Technically though your 7.5 license is permanent the agreement
> is contractual
> maurice
> Maurice Patel
> Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Leoung O'Young
> Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 6:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: MayaSoft - previous versions
> Hi Maurice,
> Just want to be sure I gt this right, I can have versions of Softimage
> 2015 all the way back to 7.5 running on the same computer if need be?
> Thanks,
> Leoung
> On 14/05/2014 3:32 PM, Maurice Patel wrote:
> > Hi Matt,
> > Any 7.5 license you have should continue to work indefinitely and if you
> need to migrate it to a new computer we so support that capability (through
> our customer support group). If you need to guarantee access to 7.5 your
> best bet is to keep some licenses. Your Subscription contract only provides
> access to the last three versions prior to the current release (i.e. 2014,
> 2013 and 2012).  However, technically we can issue any license we have ever
> issued (but not licenses for versions that were issued by Avid). We only do
> that in exceptional cases and this is almost certainly something you would
> need to work out with Sales first. It is rather rare that we have to do
> this because, for software that old, you pretty much have to purchase a new
> license anyway (from a price perspective).- So why not keep your old one?
> You could instead purchase Maya with Softimage 2015 and keep Softimage 7.5.
> This would avoid a lot of hassle because, as per the usage agreement for
> prior versions, you cannot have concurrent versions of the same software
> running which would mean un-installing, re-installing software each time
> you switch versions. This is all managed on a trust basis. Since all
> licenses are permanent ones, there is nothing stopping you from doing this
> other than that the subscription contract stipulates that you do not. Prior
> versions were really created as a means for Subscription customers to
> maintain pipelines on 'recent' older versions and manage pipeline upgrades
> over a three year window and not as a means of accessing any software
> release we have ever developed.
> > Maurice
> >
> > Maurice Patel
> > Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134
> >
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Matt
> > Lind
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 1:41 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: MayaSoft - previous versions
> >
> > Hello Maurice,
> >
> > Is there a limit how far back the license server will go in terms of
> supporting older versions of Softimage?  We currently use 2013 SP1, but
> prior to that we were using Softimage 7.5 and still need to occasionally
> jump into 7.5 to exhume old data which have dependencies specific to 7.5
> (we have a ton of 7.5 data).
> >
> >
> > Matt
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Maurice
> > Patel
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 9:49 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: MayaSoft - previous versions
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> > There appears to be some database glitches in our back end systems
> > that are causing the problems like the case of Leendert. The ops team
> > is trying to resolve this. This is a bit like  bug fixing - we need to
> > find and identify the problem fix it so the problem does not reoccur.
> > We are sorry if this is taking a bit longer than expected. If you
> > migrate you ARE entitled to prior versions of Softimage as part of
> > your Subscription. We just need to iron out some kinks so please bear
> > with us maurice
> >
> > Maurice Patel
> > Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134
> >
> > From:
> ><mailto:softimage-bounces@listp
> >> [] On
> > Behalf Of Leoung O'Young
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 12:38 PM
> > To:
> ><
> > >
> > Subject: Re: MayaSoft - previous versions
> >
> > I e-mailed Maurice Patel directly a few days ago regarding Softimage
> > Maya license transfer, he suggest we should be able to use Softimage
> 2015 license and previous version access through the Subs center.
> > Although I haven't gone through this process myself, too busy with other
> things.
> >
> > Leoung
> >
> > On 14/05/2014 12:04 PM, Ciaran Moloney wrote:
> > Any chance you're trying to start 2014 while you already have 2015 open?
> >
> > On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Leendert A. Hartog <
> <>> wrote:
> > After a long struggle with the subscription center my new "Maya with
> Softimage" license finally arrived today. So "happy, happy, joy, joy" (Ren
> and Stimpy style). But there seems to be one downside to this, which those
> of you still planning this "transition" might want to know about. The new
> license apparently strips you of your previous versions usage rights, i.e.
> I wasn't able to run Softimage 2014 on this new license, whereas this was
> still possible with my recent Softimage 2015 license. It's possible that
> this has been mentioned before and/or this purely a mistake I am making, if
> so, I'm truly sorry for the additional noise, but I thought it was a fact
> worth noting. Personally I can probably live without the previous versions
> usage rights, but I doubt everybody on this list can quite as easily. If
> this, however, is simply me doing something stupidly wrong, please tell me,
> so I can hunt for the mistake at my end.
> >
> > Greetz
> > Leendert
> >
> > --
> >
> > Leendert A. Hartog AKA Hirazi Blue
> > Administrator NOT the owner of
> ><>
> >
> >



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