ow the Max people will be pretty pissed as well at this stage, seeing the
heaps of new tech AD heaps on Maya's bloated corps, while 3ds rotts.

But i think the most insulting must be when they do all the "see we really
doooooo listen to our clients" bullshit, thats gota sting.

On 22 May 2014 18:15, olivier jeannel <olivier.jean...@noos.fr> wrote:

>  Grief will never be over. Relationship is over.
> These days I'm realizing naively how little love XSI received.
> Now that they killed SI, I've never seen so many posts on the list from
> autodesk employee. Now they listen, let me laugh...
> The other day I opened Match mover. A part from the fact it wasn't able to
> track the sequence, it was also unable to save and re open it's own .xsi
> and it's own .fbx (only solution functioning was VBscript). But, C4D format
> was functioning...
> The feeling that xsi was abandonned since a long time.
> Yep,12 million lines of code that was not worth  making evolve, but worth
> abandon rather than sell.
> I don't know if they realize how much trust they lost. And funnily, it's
> not only from ex SI users.
> Le 22/05/2014 18:23, Stefan Kubicek a écrit :
> Exactly my pov. The different packages are too much in flux atm to make a
> decision right now.
> If I was forced to switch, I'd go Houdini though.
>  Still sticking with Softimage for now. There seem to be some changes
> coming in the next year or two in almost every package so I'm gambling on
> waiting a while before choosing a direction. Looking forward to the next
> step, it may have some things I'll miss but I'm sure there will be
> advantages to balance it out. One thing is for sure, wherever I end up will
> have to have a Redshift plugin.
> On 22 May 2014 16:56, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com> wrote:
>>    Well the same applies to me.
>>  I now am getting into deep scripting in Softimage.
>>  The big difference is that in Maya you script for necessitiy and in
>> Softimage for the fun of it.
>>  The real saviours here are Redshift, Mootz, 3D Quakers, Paul, etc.
>>  For me it was never grief, it was anger.  And the anger has passed.
>>  -------------------------------------------------------
>> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
>> 2014-05-22 10:37 GMT-05:00 Stephen Davidson <magic...@bellsouth.net>:
>>  There is no grief, here. The software is definitely NOT over. Initially
>>> I thought "Oh no" (clean version),
>>> but once I thought about it, as I was getting my new license for
>>> Redshift 3D, I realized that whatever I need this
>>> existing software to do, I can do with ICE. I am only just starting to
>>> learn how to use ICE, so it a wonderful
>>> new feature, to me.
>>>  I'm going to put any further efforts into learning more about ICE,
>>> rather than spend my time trying to learn
>>> another 3D package.
>>>  3rd Parties still seem to be developing for Softimage, although I'm
>>> sure that will fade over time.
>>> I turn 60 next month, so this is it for me. Even if I retire at 80. :)
>>>  I will not swallow the Kool-aid.
>>>  I feel bad for the kid who just graduated art school with a Softimage
>>> background.
>>> That is a tough spot to be in. Fortunately young minds learn faster.
>>> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 7:04 AM, Mirko Jankovic <
>>> mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Who said that the grief is over?
>>>> Every single day I think at least once... oh AD how I hate you.
>>>> Also "your software is obsolete" from them ends up with "I can still
>>>> work 10 times faster in my obsolete software". Eat my dust!
>>>> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 12:22 PM, activemotionpictu...@yahoo.com <
>>>> activemotionpictu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>   I know it's a sensible question, but now that the grief is over,
>>>>> could some of you share how you're dealing with the " your software its's
>>>>> obsolote" phrase around your maya/C4D/3dsMax colleague?
>>>>> I got my head under Modo blankets and hope the day comes around
>>>>> quickly.
>>>>> Yeh, just being honest here.
>>>>> :)
>>>>> Enviado desde Yahoo Mail en 
>>>>> Android<https://mx.overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android>
>>>   --
>>>  Best Regards,
>>> *  Stephen P. Davidson*
>>> *(954) 552-7956 <%28954%29%20552-7956> *
>>> sdavid...@3danimationmagic.com
>>> *Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*
>>>      - Arthur C. Clarke
>>> <http://www.3danimationmagic.com>
>  --
> www.matinai.com
>  --
> -----------------------------------------------------
>    Stefan Kubicek 
> ste...@keyvis.at<%22ste...@keyvis.at%22%20%3cste...@keyvis.at%3E>
> -----------------------------------------------------
>           Alfred Feierfeilstraße 3
>     A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien
>      Phone: +43 (0) 699 12614231
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