>From everything I've seen so far, Houdini is built in a very logical
fashion, and I'm not under the impression that it's so much harder to learn
than other applications.

My experience with it has been very positive so far. I haven't had much
time to put aside for learning Houdini yet, I'd say I've spent about 8
hours watching tutorials and about 25 hours getting to know Houdini. When
working with the application myself, I exclusively looked at procedural
modeling because that's what I'll need it to do first and foremost.

The first steps were difficult, but once I grasped some general concepts I
got up to speed rather quickly. My main issue right now is not knowing all
the nodes and attributes there are. I discover new things every day, and I
enjoy the experience a lot. Things I've been wanting out of ICE for a long
time (support for generating curves, basic modeling operators like bevel,
support for strings and text, a symbiosis between ICE tree, render tree and
FX tree) are all built into Houdini. It feels like a paradise, the
possibilites seem endless.

Today I put together my first reasonably complex digital asset, and even
though I don't know Houdini well at all yet and ICE extremely well, I'd say
that it would have taken me longer to build the asset in ICE! On top of
that, in ICE I would have had to jump through several hoops due to lack of
curve support, the resulting tree would be a mess due to all the low level
nodes it would have required, and the resulting compound would not be as
easy to put together and turn into an artist-friendly UI.

I know that Houdini is not the greatest viewport modeler and probably has
some other shortcomings, but with regards to procedural modeling the
transition from ICE has been easy and pleasurable so far.


On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 8:58 PM, Artur Woźniak <artur.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Learning Curve
> Wysłane z iPhone'a
> Dnia 21 maj 2014 o godz. 20:42 Francois Lord <flordli...@gmail.com>
> napisał(a):
> > So...
> > What are houdini weaknesses? What is missing in Houdini compared to
> Softimage? Would you run a company only using Houdini as 3D app? Why not?

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