Actually we managed to get the bifrost meshed geometry out into Softimage
using Alembic, the only thing is that we couldn't import the bifrost CAVs
(vorticity and velocity) into Softimage.
Maya does export those CAVs into the Alembic though (we checked by
importing the same alembic file back into maya), we just cant access the
CAVs in Softimage. Maybe someone could give a hint on how to do that...

We are also trying to use Mtoa to export a .ass file from Maya/Bifrost, but
at this point we are still trying to work out how to shade the water
properly by accessing the bifrost mesh vorticity and velocity...

I would prefer if we could access the bifrost particle cache straight in
Softimage and then mesh it there and access the particle data to drive
whatever we need, but I think that is not possible imo.

On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 7:16 AM, Markus Cermak <> wrote:

> I don´t thing that you can get anything out of Bitfrost (export ) atm.
> I tried every export option , Alembic with attributes,Geo Cache, etc. and
> couldn´t get a thing out, actually I hoped it´s just me not knowing Maya
> well.
> Even the Bitfrost "Display Particles" would have been enough but no luck
> there.
> I would love to polygonize in SI and not in Maya.
> If u find anything pls let us know. :)
> Stupid Plugin when you can´t export stuff   :D
> mfg
> Markus
>  01.07.2014 00:25, Jason S wrote:
>> I meant Bifrost as a plugin for SI, interesting :]
>> On 06/30/14 18:12, Jason S wrote:
>>> Particle plugin for Softimage :]
>>> On 06/30/14 8:43, Nuno Conceicao wrote:
>>>> Anyone out there doing this particular workflow?
>>>> We are animating in Softimage 2014, point cache to Maya where the fluid
>>>> simulation is done using Maya's Bifrost new feature set, then we need to
>>>> render this out back in Sitoa/Softimage 2014.
>>>> What should be the best procedure to transfer the fluid data between
>>>> the 2 apps?
>>>> Meshing in Maya or in Softimage?
>>>> What about particular data attributes like vorticity?
>>>> Can it be done using the native Alembic format in 2015? Or other
>>>> export/import alternatives?
>>>> Any pointers and/or tested workflow examples would be really appreciated
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Nuno
> --
> mfg
> Markus Cermak
> 3D-Animation Compositing
> Leiss Postproduction GmbH
> Adresse: Zirkusgasse 13/4 A-1020 Wien
> Tel: +43/1/218 96 48
> Fax: +43/1/218 96 48/10
> Mail:

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