On 07/28/14 20:52, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
And yet it moves...

Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation

Yep, I guess 'moves' is a way to put it..

Until it won't essentially blow most (if not essentially all) things out of the water (on a good deal of key points) .. particularly (ultimately) on the aspects of getting from point A to (an 'ILM' class) point B, without involving things like hundreds of corrective blendshapes, weeks per frame (per machine), or practically buiding another software internally (either on top of an existing one, or from scratch using software development floors or departments), it wont really be exactly quite dead.

You see all these new (or not so new) things that are perhaps 'artist friendly' (while not being enough customizable or -scalable-)
or things that are perhaps really powerful (while far from being qualifyable as 'friendly')

But regardless of when what came out, it's still the same struggle of striking that balance (or not to mention, getting to a good deal of overlap) and it really does seem to be a very-very tricky thing to do to say the least.

Like trying to both increase quality AND reduce production time at the same time, .. while taking care of one aspect doing the exact opposite to the other aspect.

So until ('Keyatsu'?), is able to take arbitrary amounts of limbs (or otherwise become more customisable (apparently).. or.. become not just about rigging) or until Dreamworks would release Apollo.. or **something**..., while SI may be technically EOL (technically), you can bet your nerf guns that anyone with access to it, will have some sort of internal conflict, especially when having experienced the grass on various sides in the real world (while telling ourselves "at least it's not 'EOL'")

With some (if not many) going-on with it, only for that particular benifit of being able to do high(est) level (custom) stuff in a very (still by pretty far the most) efficient way to this day.

So ya 'moves' can be a pretty good way to put.

SI can really move (mountains) :)

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