We work in teams of 3 Students. With our 3D lecturer being the producer.  The 
students have been given responsibility over either art direction, technical 
direction or animation (although they will work in all areas where needed). I 
am there to help on pipeline , lighting and rendering  and mostly when the shit 
hits the fan ;) The team strengths shift from year to year but we try and keep 
them as balanced as we can. We also try and encourage to really push what they 
are good at. This was very easy under Softimage as you didn’t spend half your 
time trouble shooting ;(

From: Sebastien Sterling 
Date: Tuesday 29 July 2014 at 11:25 AM
To: "softimage@listproc.autodesk.com<mailto:softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>" 
Subject: Re: Softimage is not EOL

Do your kids work in teams Angus or as one man enterprises ? cause SI is great 
for singles but if you are going to have to teach them maya... best take a leaf 
out of the french schools book, e.g goblin supinfocom or ESMA. typically the 
kids coordinate of into groups each bringing their interests to the table, 
rigging or art direction or animation, it's a pain in the ass to keep things 
balanced, and i suspect it confines there learning to specific areas instead of 
a generalized approach of the workflow, but let's be honest there is no such 
thing as a maya generalist. i mean that you might be able to do all the things, 
but maya jobs seem very much to be need specific, so a modeller or a renderer, 
or a rigger.

On 29 July 2014 08:40, Angus Davidson 
<angus.david...@wits.ac.za<mailto:angus.david...@wits.ac.za>> wrote:
Unfortunately for Education that EOL moniker is very much the kiss of death. 
While businesses can use SI until its pried from their cold dead fingers, we 
would never get any students for courses that teach EOL software. No Matter how 
superior it may be to the alternatives.

In fact just to show you how skewed the reality it creates is we have to teach 
maya going forward until another software has sufficient market share to allow 
us to switch. Currently we are looking at that being Modo and roughly 2-3 years 
before we can switch. We had finally built up momentum to the point where we 
could enter international competitions and actually get placed by batting well 
above our average with SI. Now we will loose all of that with Maya.

Friggen heartbreaking.

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