Nested models is where you went wrong.  Don’t nest models inside of each other, 
especially if they’re referenced as it creates a situation where dependencies 
cannot be resolved should one of the nested items get updated.  Softimage has 
decent infrastructure for managing dependencies between scene and referenced 
model, but not when the dependency is between two or more models.

If you have many copies of the same model throughout your scene, consider using 
instances which eliminates the problem of duplicate material libraries and 
accelerates interactivity of your scene considerably.  This will also reduce 
file size quite a bit as you only need one master model for the instances, not 
one referenced model per instance as you’re doing now.

You can use standins as  you mentioned.  The difference between the two is 
instances will be of greatest benefit in the viewports whereas standins are of 
benefit at render time.


[] On Behalf Of Jon Hunt
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 1:34 AM
Subject: Re: Scene crash on startup - any advice

Thank you both Peter and Matt for your lengthy replies.
I've found your replies informative and interesting.
I am trying best possible to work to best practices and feel a little 
reassured! I am not doing much else other than laying out the models in the 
scene. I do have some geo in there (landscape) and some models I have made 

In summary the scene is a large camera move that flies through a village that 
is fairly dense with houses. I have built 3 variations of house with 
windows/doors/chimneys and so it is modular so I can avoid any repetition and 
build a custom house.
This inevitably means I have reference models inside reference models. However 
through research I have not gone more than 2 levels deep with them and arranged 
the embedded ref models inside nulls for any SRT transforms.
All models have master files that I have setup and refer back to when I make 
any changes.

I think where I have gone wrong is if I want to make another variation of a 
house on the fly, I have taken a house model and made the top part of the 
hierarchy local and duplicated sub parts which are still referenced in. In 
doing this it has prompted me to share or copy material libraries.
If I want another variation. I should build it in master file and bring it back 
I have done this 4/5 times in say 40 models, so I know where to fix it.
Another workflow I could be using (should be using?) is stand ins. I did do a 
test render on Friday without using them and with a basic lightning setup up it 
munched it up. I am not overly concerned about the scene being to heavy now. I 
am unsure of this crossover as to when I should be using standins verses ref 
models. This is a separate conversation I am sure. I also have a deadline 
looming and need the darn shot rendered!



On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Matt Lind 
<<>> wrote:
A scene size of 53 MB containing mostly referenced models indicates there is 
still a lot of data, such as animation (FCurves) or data applied on top of the 
referenced models in model deltas, still in the scene.

the first thing to try is rolling back your scene to a previous version 
(including referenced models) if you have been using source control.

The "done fixing hidden cluster" error indicates a geometry problem.  With a 
scene containing many referenced models, it's likely one or more models was 
imported into the scene as a referenced model, modified in some way that 
applied a dependency which needs geometry information, and the referenced model 
was later edited offline outside the scene.  Next time the scene opens, 
Softimage is surprised because the referenced model is in a different state 
than the last time the scene was saved and has all this dependency data it 
doesn't know what to do with, so mayhem breaks out.  For example, if you 
applied an object-to-cluster constraint, the constraint operator has a 
dependency on the cluster.  If you delete the cluster from the referenced model 
outside the scene, the next time the scene opens and uses that model, Softimage 
will see the constraint operator and try to connect to a now non-existent 
cluster, then get confused.

There are some topology operators which generate hidden clusters behind the 
curtains from user view which are used as a scratchpad for calculations.  It's 
very possible the above scenario has occurred and the operator's cluster in 
question cannot reconnect to it's dependencies because one or more of it's 
inputs has disappeared from the model being changed outside the scene.   One 
test is to open each referenced model locally in an empty scene.  Check the 
script log before doing any work on each model, if you get the error message 
again, then you've found the problem.  Freeze its modeling construction history 
using "Freeze M", then export to update the .emdl.  If you know of constraints 
or other operators, such as object-to-cluster, and have knowingly deleted the 
cluster, then try recreating the cluster to satisfy the scene next time it is 

If all the models import successfully into empty scenes, then reopen the 
original scene and see if the error still occurs.  If it does, then the problem 
is likely caused by data local to the scene and not in a referenced model.  
Data in model deltas is considered local to the scene, not the model.  However, 
it's unlikely the problem is in model deltas if it's giving you 'hidden 
cluster' errors, but in the rare chance it is, check the 'removed items' 
section of the delta and cross reference it with the other categories for 
dangling entries.  Every item appearing in the removed items list will have an 
associated entry in another category of the model delta.  for example, if you 
import the referenced model, change it's position, then undo that action, there 
will be entries in the 'stored positions' category to record the position 
change, and an associated entry in the 'removed items' category to undo that 
position change (All the entries in the deltas are evaluated, and the removed 
items list acts to cancel out anything that appears in the previous lists).  If 
you cannot find a pair for each entry, then something's wrong.  In which case, 
flush the item from the removed items list by selecting and deleting it.  I 
recommend this over deleting the entire delta as some tend to do, because 
deleting a model delta is often unnecessary and only loses all your work.  In 
most cases the problem isn't too hard to find as long as you pay attention to 
what you're looking for.


Hi List,
Asked a thousand times before I'm sure. I have researched and having no Joy and 
could really do with some suggestions please.
Soft 2014 SP2 - Scene opens at Uni on an identically specced HP workstation 
I noticed my home machine (when the file did work) took about 20mins to load 
whereas at Uni it was around 5 minutes.
Scene size 53mb
Scene contains mostly reference models.
Following the help topics I turned on scene debugging>Load recovery journal 
file. I have have pointed it to an existing text file but it hasn't written 
anything to that.
 I do have a .lrf file but I am unsure what to do with this?
I restart xsi and I get prompted 5 or so time about having a ghost model.
It continues to load but then hangs without crashing after sticking on "done 
fixing hidden cluster"
Any input would be muchly appreciated

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