Personally I never really got on with the interactive split tool when it was 
added, and would always revert back to the original Split Poly.
I’m really liking the updated Multi-Cit tool in 2015 though, which combines a 
few features, including those two.


From: "<>" 
Date: Sunday, 7 September 2014 07:26
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: maya uv tool broken?

Honestly, I'd have to see it to figure it out.
I have had general wonkyness here and there, the uncomfortable click and key 
combinations and stuff it uses can make for some odd interaction in my 
experience, but usually it's just that uncomfortable, not random.

A couple colleagues around me, who've never used anything other than Maya, had 
more or less the same experience, but tended to attribute it to randomness, 
until I took them over what the behaviour actually is in what conditions, and 
they eventually got over it and got used to the MTK in 2014/15 (some changes 
between the two).

Pre-2014 though I can't help you, I'd rather chew on broken glass and infected 
syringes than model something in Maya 2013 or prior.

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 4:05 PM, Martin 
<<>> wrote:
Speaking about Maya weird bugs and possible drivers issues, is it normal that 
the split tool and interactive split tool sometimes just don't create some 
edges I'm drawing? I'm working with 2013 and while the old split tool is more 
reliable, even with its snap not snapping, it still buggy.

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