Please can we have more than one Outliner open.

When I moved from Maya to Soft I realised that it was extremely useful to have 
more then one Explorer open (passes, materials, objects, etc). I know you can 
drag the bottom of the Outliner up to view a different part of the outliner, 
but some functions are not accessible in the bottom half.

Thank you.

[] on behalf of adrian wyer 
Sent: 26 November 2014 10:57
Subject: RE: Need your opinion to improve Maya Outliner/ Attribute Editor

oh yeah totally forgot the F3 popup mini explorer!!

i've worn the text off my F3 key through over use


[] On Behalf Of Peter Agg
Sent: 26 November 2014 10:50
Subject: Re: Need your opinion to improve Maya Outliner/ Attribute Editor

Generally I find the Outliner kinda okay in isolation - there's a lot of 
filters, you can drag and drop (although there's one option that stops you 
being able to... I can't remember what it is now), the lack of good context 
menus for things like sets is very annoying and slows me down, but that's the 
only thing that springs to mind.
The main differences are deeper, imo:

  *   connection editors rather than being able to drag and drop connections 
which makes seeing parameters in an explorer - having Attributes exposed in 
Maya isn't going to make much odds without that
  *   The Outliner ends up looking like an unorganized mess and namespaces in 
Maya are a blight on humanity, but when you don't have a model equivalent to 
parent things under this is what you get.

I guess the main thing with the Outliner is that I find it very hard to keep 
just the stuff I want in there. I don't want to hide all the sets, but I also 
don't want to see all the ViewSelected ones at the same time.

I also have to really, really, highlight what Eric said about the F3 
quick-menu. It's up there with the middle mouse button in terms of basic 
functionality I'm going to miss. It make everything flow much quicker than 
having to navigate menus - but, again, because I can do a lot of stuff from 
there: I can see what operators are on the object, all the different properties 
etc, access them quickly and set up a connection from there.

On 26 November 2014 at 10:02, Marco Peixoto 
<<>> wrote:
A nice addition would an option to LOCK the Attribute editor like we can with 
Softimage PPGs so it wont change when selecting another object.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Ivan Vasiljevic 
<<>> wrote:
110% to what Mirko is saying, outliner and node editor, just not even close to 
explorer/render tree + passes and those are things that make me fill like home 
when working in XSI.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 8:48 AM, Mirko Jankovic 
<<>> wrote:
Again +1 as well for "make it like SI"
It is not overstatement that SI explorer/outliner sister is best out there. 
gives you complete overview and scene organisation AND access to every single 
needed attribute and anything you can possibly need in working with scene.
Softimage scene explorer is one of main workhorses and not without reason so be 
sure to see what was done there in any case.
Not holding any fingers ofc but just an idea..
There will always be comment make it like SI so that is completely natural, but 
SI scene explorer and render pass system should be No1 on list to push them 
into maya if possible at all.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 8:15 AM, Sebastien Sterling 
<<>> wrote:
+1 Gerbrand, it's good to remember that the ui reflects the way stuff was 
initially setup, and not the other way around. thhere will most likely come a 
time where surface polishing won't be enough without delving deeper.

Ivan Vasiljevic
Lighting TD
Founder, Digital Asset Tailors

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