Hi Julien,

A little feedback

1. I remap F8-F12 to 1,2,3 buttons because I don't use smooth as often as I
use selection filters.
You could create your own Marking Menu too.

3. AFAIK You can't change border edges colors, a simple but very useful SI
I also want double edges highlighting.

6. No, you need to code it or use someone else code.
I use detatch and separate from someone on creative crash and edited the
part where it deletes the original faces to work with a key modifier so I
can keep or delete the original part.
It doesn't work well if the object is not in under the scene root, but it
does the work done, until I decide to write my own or find something better.

7. I don't think so, but I'm still using 2014 and I don't like that much
MTK because of it's symmetry, not being able to use it with skinned objects
or using any deformer, etc., for some reason I still don't know sometimes
the highlight selection isn't accurate, and the Multi-Component auto
seleciton is even worse. It looks like SI but in the practice it isn't

It seemed cool at first though.

Just like the Interactive Split Tool and MTK Multi Cut, they looked good at
first, but most of the time I still use the old crappy prehistoric split
tool. It sucks, but it is way more reliable.

10. With drawing overrides in your object's attributes.


On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 5:55 AM, julien carmagnac <carmagnacjul...@gmail.com>

> Hello list !
> I'm more a reader than a writer for now, but I want share my quick
> experience (one week) on Maya.
> It's a personal point of view and I'm curious to know your opinion about
> it.
> I like HotBox ! Relatively quick to access, probably not as quick as a
> direct shortcut but can manage more quick tools with just a combo : shorcut
> + mouse move direction.
> For now, I use it to select component (one of the more repeated action
> during a day of work) but I have problem with its "context behavior" :
>     - it doesn't select components of my current selection, but those of
> the object under my mouse cursor.
>     - get strange selection result (components of the first one) when I
> use the "select all" command in a second time, with many objects in
> component mode.
> *1)* Why the hotbox component selection behavior isn't the same as with
> the F8 to F12 keyboards ?
> Is there a way to remove this "context behavior" ?
> workaround :
>       - F8 to F12 keyboards : I don't konw for you but just my own opinion
> is that isn't easy to use (too far from "alt" navigation keyboard and need
> to look keyboard to select the good one)
>     - alt + q + left click : ok but another shortcut just as a workaround
> and the layout of each button component aren't the same than the main
> hotbox menu.
> *2)* "Channel Box/Layer Editor" window is not bad for a quick access to
> last tool :
>     - Is there a way to automatically expand the last input "operator"
> when we select an object.
>     For example when I create a cube, I need to expand (one clic) and then
> tweak param of With, Height, etc.
> *3)* On preference option, we can highlight border edge, but is there a
> way to just set a different color (ok ok like softimage I admit) instead of
> a not really elegant and visible strong edge.
> *With Modeling Toolkit active :*
> *4)* A cool thing is the shift + translate to extrude edge, but it would
> be good if that work with face too !
> *5)* With components, discrete mode (SRT increment snap : "J" on
> keyboard) doesn't work on this mode.
> *6)* Is there a direct tool like the "Extract Polygons (keep)" in
> softimage ?
> Actually I need to :
>     a) "Duplicate Face"
>     b) "Extract Faces"
> And that pollutes my outliner hierarchy with a group of 2 objects plus one
> transform object.
>     c) clean outliner hierarchy
> *7)* "Transform options" of the modeling toolkit :
> YES really good to see and edit numerical local transform value of
> component !
> BUT is there a way to do some math operation like other text box ?
> And it would be good to have this on the "ChannelBox/LayerEditor" (ok ok
> like softimage too) to regroup a little bit all informations.
> *8)* Actually, snap tool must be activated before begin transformation,
> it would be good if it can be activating during the operation (like
> Softimage and probably other applications).
> Small thing but can be really useful.
> *9)* The transformation ability of the text box may be expanded to more
> "complex" operation like : 45+8/(45*4)
> *10)* With the viewport on shaded mode, is there a way to make an object
> in wireframe, unselectable (like template) BUT "snapable" ?
> Well, I see a lot of modeling tools and options that seems very cool and
> very productive and I hope that maya can be more userfriendly in a near
> future.
> For now and before make my final choice of software I will continue with
> Softimage.

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