Maya is so geared to "fix it with script" and its scripting has many
inconsistencies that make it very unfriendly for an artist. The artists
that I have shown L() and R() to really really like it, it is simple, makes
sens to then and empowers them without them having them become programmers.

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 9:56 AM, Jordi Bares Dominguez <>

> Before someone jump in saying that maya is the worst thing in the universe
> because of scripting and so on... 4 lines of code.
> from maya import cmds
> from random import random
> for each in, l=True):
>     cmds.setAttr(each + ".translateX", random() * 500)
> Is it better than Softimage? hell no!
> Is it a big deal? not at all.
> It does to me as it breaks my thinking flow and momentum, exactly the same
> than someone asking to jump on a meeting while you are animating, when you
> go back your mindset is in a different planet and takes ages to get back to
> the zone.
> It’s the Artist > technical > Artist switching that XSI does manage so
> well and this is one very good example of why IMO workflow in Maya is a
> total mess.
> jb



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