The functionality is great and overrides any concerns I would have over
consistency. I think most of the points Luc-Eric made are quite valid, but for
me they are just making a good case for improving documentation. Just have a
page in the docs at the front called "Tips and Tricks for Improving Workflow"
and fill it with all those hidden gems. Problem solved.

But I'm genuinely interested to know what Luc-Eric would suggest to get the same
functionality but removing the issue with consistency? I would hate to have to
enter python into a parameter. I'm occasionally doing it in Houdini and it's
just too long winded. A right click menu with various options would seem to be
the obvious way, even if it just acts as a reminder for the inconsistent syntax.


On 09 March 2015 at 09:52 adrian wyer <> wrote:

> frankly that explanation is my biggest problem with ALL software devs
>  it illustrates the fact that almost all devs have never used the software in
> production!
>  if you had to deal with our impossible deadlines and dwindling budgets, small
> tricks, however 'off piste' as far as code base go, are lifesavers
>  regardless of how "wrong" it is in the dev's eyes
>  my 2c
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
>  From:
> [] On Behalf Of Luc-Eric
> Rousseau
>  Sent: 06 March 2015 18:50
>  To:
>  Subject: Re: OT maya random/linear in channel box
>  On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Jordi Bares Dominguez <
> <> > wrote:
>  >
>  >> Before someone jump in saying that maya is the worst thing in the universe
>  > It does to me as it breaks my thinking flow and momentum, exactly the same
>  > than someone asking to jump on a meeting while you are animating, when you
>  > go back your mindset is in a different planet and takes ages to get back to
>  > the zone.
>  >
>  > It’s the Artist > technical > Artist switching that XSI does manage so well
>  > and this is one very good example of why IMO workflow in Maya is a total
>  > mess.
>  It's a terrible example for that imho. R(0,100) is not discoverable so you
> have to be told that this feature exists and may need to launch the web
> browser to remind you what the notation is and what the parameters mean.
> You're typing something that looks like a function call  in a different
> notation than the random in XSI's expression language, or the built-in
> scripting langages, because it was a feature written for the video product and
> it's not a programming language. The skill you got learning the notation
> cannot really be applied to anything else and it can't be customized,
> extended, dropped  on a toolbar, and it doesn't log a command you can repeat.
> It's a secret handshake for the initiated. There are few things like this in
> XSI imho, we usually made sure to not have hidden features.

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