No doubt.. really great/awesome things can be done with any package,
I recall hyperealistic face talking done in lightwave that you couldnt beleive was cg, even up to really close.
But, there's always this 'but'.

In this case, In soft it would take longer to copile shaders on view mode change, but shading can be just as advanced,

But for most of everything else... shape wheights  and sking crease displacement  based on controller translations etc ...
Maya blendshape correction workflow among other things to setup,  is really not as stramlined :-/

And you would normally only need to tweak final RT shading for games, but otherwise, it makes neat videos.

Otherwise it's mostly a question of doing it (by a very talented artist... ), and capturing-it

And this makes me more impressed at the artist than Maya.

Indeed awesome work though!

On 03/12/15 13:46, John Richard Sanchez wrote:
For all the crap we give Maya you can still do some amazing work. This is probably the best Facial Rigging/ Texturing I have ever seen.

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