Your best bet is to create a mesh from those curves and transfer the curve's tangent onto the mesh as a vector attribute.

Emit from the curve but use the geo's attribute to set the direction. How Paul Smith's hair grooming stuff works essentially.

Using a group of curves or even doing one curve at a time won't get a nice smooth result I don't think. You'll probably get popping.

Eric T.

On 3/19/2015 11:48 AM, Greg Punchatz wrote:
Dave has got something worked out, but its not ideal. He cannot get a group of curves to work, and is wiring up each one in by hand in the ICE tree.

What he wants to do is emit an objects from one end of a curve and the have it follow the curve to the end.. but he wants to do this to a group of curves. He can make it work one curve at a time fine, he can wire the bizzilion curves up by hand but its not ideal.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 9:50 AM, < <>> wrote:

    I think you can get the closest point on a group of curves,
    get the point-tangent from there and use that (vector) as a force,
    combine to taste with turbulence, and perhaps a force pulling
    towards the curve (vector from point to closest point) for extra
    adding/removing curves to the group is all you’d need to do to add
    them to the simulation.
    hope this helps.
    *From:* Dave Sisk <>
    *Sent:* Thursday, March 19, 2015 3:27 PM
    *Subject:* ICE emit particles and follow branching geometry
    Hi, I'm trying to create an effect with particles flowing from one
    several ends of branching geometry to another of several ends on
    the same geometry.
    Right now I'm working with Flow Along Curve and a bunch of
    partially-overlapping curves that go from one end to the other,
    but since ICE is pretty limited in what you can plug a geometry
    port into, I'm running into a LOT of duplication that makes adding
    or removing curves a labor intensive process.
    Is there another approach to this I should be trying?
    Dave Sisk

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