Well put Perry, exactly my thoughts!

Speaking of Fusion: I had the pleasure of using the free version last week for 7 consecutive days in a a row, 10 hrs a day. It was blazingly fast (compared to AE anyway), did not crash once, and the look of the node tree was pleasing enough to not make my eyes bleed (as opposed to Nuke's). Even the pro version is a bargain for $1000 for what you get.

+1 on all
Totally agree.
This "news" sickened me and if true, could mean great things for Fusion and nothing but bad news for the rest. I've seen the usability and stability of After Effects (AE) decline sharply over the timeframe that AE has been a rental product. Updates cause >problems instead of fixing them and development has slowed (even further). Not so with Nuke. Adobe wants VFX to be accessible to the consumer, and while I don't discount the research they have done, some of which has been quite >amazing, most of their focus has been on one button type of VFX solutions and not on stability and flexibility, which is what we need and what >The Foundry supplies software that excels in. Rotobrush, PuppetTool, CameraTracker all designed to make as close to a one button solution as possible. These tools works great in certain >situations, but when the shot gets tough, you quickly run out of options.
Nuke is nothing but options, and is  far more ICE-like than AE is.
Having something as flexible as Nuke owned by a company that has a huge competitive market-dominating product like AE, should send chills up >your spine as to how closely it matches the Autodesk Maya/Soft debacle.

Sent from my iPhone
Please excuse typos and
brief replies.Thank you!

On Apr 28, 2015, at 2:05 AM, Raffaele Fragapane <raffsxsil...@googlemail.com> wrote:

AD owned and produced a lot of stuff over the years. The various acquisitions you are thinking of in the M&E group are a drop in >>the ocean that is their arch, viz, CAM/CAE budgets. Alias was bought for studio and the inlet in industrial CAM they missed at the time. Maya in and of itself is probably not >>scratching 3 or 4% of their revenue and I doubt Soft even made it to an integer number.

Adobe is already a bigger company than AD for the record, and has MORE of a monopoly on its market segments than AD does. >>They beat AD in revenue and net by a factor of two most years.

Again, I don't know what Adobe you guys are thinking of, but the one I know of is nothing to hope for. They make EA sports and >>AD M&E look positively benign in the VFX geography.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 3:49 PM, Nicolas Esposito <3dv...@gmail.com> wrote:
If I remember correcty Autodesk, before the big buyout in recent yearsm had only Autocad and 3ds to carry on and make good >>>money...when they start acquiring Alias and all the others they establish themself as the "company to go", simply because they >>>were the owners.

For me Adobe could possibly be the next Autodesk, but I really hope I'm wrong.

2015-04-28 7:24 GMT+02:00 Raffaele Fragapane <raffsxsil...@googlemail.com>:
There must be another company named Adobe I'm not aware of...

Adobe has had nothing but contempt for VFX for years, and people would actually get on board with this?

If there is any truth to these incompetently written piece of news whatsoever, and that's pretty much 50/50 at best, be ready to >>>>rent. Windows and half arsed Mac ports only, of course.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Tenshi S. <tenshu...@gmail.com> wrote:
Better Adobe than Autode$k. Is the less bad co. between both.

--Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!

Stefan Kubicek
keyvis digital imagery
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