Wow...I've been buried deep in production and hadn't looked back at the
list for a few days...sorry to cause the kerfuffle. Sven I've been using
Softimage my entire career. 17 years. I've been on this list as long as
I've been using this software. Last thing I would ever do is try to steer
anyone away from it or cause a rift on this list. I was just trying pass
along some interesting information/tech that I've been privy too. I'll be
sure to send directly to those that mentioned that they'd like a copy of
the zip.

Eh Sylvain...Iong time no chat!

Matt...chill out. ; )

Heh Brad!

Out of further interest...Greg...I've switched to Max and I have to say I
really do like it. The rigging is garbage and yes it does feel like the
whole thing is duct taped together. A lot of inconsistency with hot keys in
just about every module. But it has some really nice stuff and a super
supportive community that shares just about everything. Go to
It surprises me a good way. I have it on the inside track
that Autodesk is redesigning the interface and digging out a lot of the
legacy stuff. I think the next few versions of MAX will be interesting to
watch, especially with the addition of MCG. Ohh yeah and the camera
projections are I think you can officially say I am not
selling/pushing MAX here. ; )

That being said I find myself back in soft often...even if it's just to
unwrap something. Like's my personal swiss army knife.


On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 8:53 PM, Eric Thivierge <>

> I didn't find Chris' post anywhere near "throwing everything in a pile"
> and didn't consider it noise at all. How many times have people posted to
> the list about a cool feature in other software before the EOL and nobody
> lost their shit? Why now?
> I'm on a number of lists so I'm well experienced with the skillful art of
> creating email filters and clicking on sub-folders. Some may say I have a
> super kung-fu / cat-like reflex for hopping from one to the other. A click
> is no inconvenience, don't worry.
> What I do find as an inconvenience is the absence of a long standing
> community with decades of experience that cannot be queried with a few
> clicks and keystrokes.
> Softimage is not forever and this list / community needs to evolve to
> something bigger otherwise it's going to die off.
> --------------------------------------------
> Eric Thivierge
> On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Matt Lind <> wrote:
>> Some of us have been down this road before, Eric.  Yes, people will be
>> moving on, but that's not an excuse to throw everything into a pile as it's
>> just noise, counterproductive, and a disservice to those who really need
>> the list for something other than as a chat medium to pass the day.
>> As for not reading anything you don't want to read - some of us are on
>> the digest form of the list which means the server concatenates messages
>> together as one giant email and sends it out.  You cannot skip messages in
>> digest form as everything is inline text, you get everything whether you
>> like it or not.  I don't like receiving digests full of noise as they're
>> tedious to read, and often lead to situations where I miss posts I am
>> interested in because they get lost in that sea of noise.
>> While having another forum or list for migration and other topics may be
>> that one extra click of inconvenience to you, it's the right thing to do.
>> Matt
>> Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 21:09:55 -0400
>> From: Eric Thivierge <>
>> Subject: Re: Is purchasing a new softimage license impossible?
>> To: ""
>> <>
>> Yeah I agree entirely with what Raf said.
>> In addition if enough people want the discussions about transition
>> experiences of members of our community to stop here I can get on board.
>> Just know that when that happens the community will start to dwindle
>> rapidly. It's the same damn point that's been made over and over since the
>> EOL announcement. We're going to have to move somewhere else. Softimage is
>> done. Some of us are transitioning sooner than others. This is going to
>> leave the community pretty fragmented so topics and sharing of experiences
>> is going to be very mixed up.
>> If you hit something you don't want to read move on.
>> Eric T.
>> --------------------------------------------
>> Eric Thivierge

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