My sentiments exactly, Greg.

We should grab sushi again sometime.


On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 9:31 PM, Greg Punchatz <> wrote:

> "If you hit something you don't want to read move on."
> I find posts like this useful. I have not yet found the
> right replacement 3d dcc for me quite yet.
> Modo looks very interesting, but incomplete and its speed leaves somthing
> to be desired in large scenes. I am watching them very closely , but I need
> to see who owns the Foundry and what the plan is. I am a fan of foundry
> products and culture... I hope they can maintain that where ever they land.
> Houdini can do almost anything you can imagine but seems to has too much
> overhead to get simple things done.
> I hate Max from a birds eye view... but I have never used it more than for
> a few minutes. They seemed to get a lot closer to ICE than maya has been
> able to with this last release.
> Maya has some things going for it, namely a talented user base.  The last
> release is a small step in the right direction, but from the out side
> looking in it sure seems like they are having a tough time tying all that
> old code into something that feels unified and consistent.
> I was very underwhelmed with Bitfrost once again.  I don't ever think it
> will be a flexible toolset, or we would have seen a hint of that by now.
> C4d has gone from a blip to something I need to look at again, but after
> seeing the Arnold demo's running in C4d I cant ignore that as a rendering
> solution.
> I wish some one would take fabric and turn it into a full fledged 3d
> app...
> On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 8:09 PM, Eric Thivierge <>
> wrote:
>> Yeah I agree entirely with what Raf said.
>> In addition if enough people want the discussions about transition
>> experiences of members of our community to stop here I can get on board.
>> Just know that when that happens the community will start to dwindle
>> rapidly. It's the same damn point that's been made over and over since the
>> EOL announcement. We're going to have to move somewhere else. Softimage is
>> done. Some of us are transitioning sooner than others. This is going to
>> leave the community pretty fragmented so topics and sharing of experiences
>> is going to be very mixed up.
>> If you hit something you don't want to read move on.
>> Eric T.
>> --------------------------------------------
>> Eric Thivierge
>> On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 8:43 PM, Sylvain Lebeau <> wrote:
>>> A message of great nostalgia, sadness but also realism and share
>>> fullness.
>>> sly
>>> *Sylvain Lebeau // SHED*
>>> V-P/Visual effects supervisor
>>> T 514 849-1555 F 514 849-5025 WWW.SHEDMTL.COM <>
>>>  <http://WWW.SHEDMTL.COM <>>


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