I did that just yesterday and indeed... it gives you lots of control and speed. You have no collisions, but sometimes it's enough. For destruction stuff however, I doubt it. I used the same technique on this shot 2 years ago. https://vimeo.com/55545305 The length of the shot and the deadline didn't allow for RBD simulation. I needed something quicker.

Olivier, you can always have a look at this tutorial. http://vimeo.com/50751483 You need emTopolizer and the workflow is a bit convoluted, but it's true you can work faster this way. Maybe it's possible to use Simulate Bullet RigidBody on the particles at the end and set the particles sizes to match the poly chunks. That could work for real simple stuff.

Don't give up on Houdini. For destruction stuff, that's where the fun is.

On 07-Aug-15 05:34, Simon Reeves wrote:
I think it's simpler to not involve ICE if you just want rigid bodies with momentum (just simulation I mean).

Recently though I used a setup which was non-simulated, cracking geo with implosia and then using emtools of some variety (I think from a mootzoid video) - creating a pointcloud from polygon islands, manipulating the pointcloud, and then that drives another copy of the original mesh, worked well! Lots of control.

Simon Reeves
London, UK
/si...@simonreeves.com <mailto:si...@simonreeves.com>/
/www.simonreeves.com <http://www.simonreeves.com>/
/www.analogstudio.co.uk <http://www.analogstudio.co.uk>//

On 7 August 2015 at 10:18, Olivier Jeannel <facialdel...@gmail.com <mailto:facialdel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    You are killing me with answer like that, but yes, it seems deeply
    bugged, some demo scene makes xsi crash. That's really a shame.

    So far I've found a working solution : Pimping the "Mom Emit
    Deform Control" and setting the Mass to 0 (passive RBD)  when
    inside an Geometry and back to 1 (active RBD) when outside seems
    Wish I could play with some states, will try later.

    I'll rely on ice magic. I gave up on Houdini, Maybe I'll look at
    some more tutorials during hollydays...

    On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 1:04 AM, Christian Keller <chris3...@me.com
    <mailto:chris3...@me.com>> wrote:

        Try another software package like Houdini for that, or be
        prepared for maybe more pain than you'd expect.
        Momentum is a bit p.i.t.a dir complex Thinges
        Sorry couldn't resist ;)
        Every second time you playback it works.
        Sim is never the same you press the button, always cache it,
        otherwise you'll never get the same result. The sim engine
        itself is pretty cool if you use it in another package, but
        the soft implementation is half baked and feels dirty. No
        offense to the developers, if it's a softimage problem or what
        else ...

        Christian Keller
        Visual effects|direction
        m +49 179 69 36 248 <tel:%2B49%20179%2069%2036%20248>

        chris3...@me.com <mailto:chris3...@me.com>

        > Am 06.08.2015 um 22:02 schrieb olivier jeannel
        <olivier.jean...@noos.fr <mailto:olivier.jean...@noos.fr>>:
        > Hi gang,
        > I'm doing simple tests for an upcoming job that should
        involve destruction stuff, like walls and houses.
        > So, I gave a try to Momentum and Implosia.
        > I remember there was an old Momentum + ice setup or a
        tutorial, I think by Yujaheo on vimeo. It was a cracking
        ground that was gradualy cracking.
        > Atm, I'm having trouble having something better than an
        ON/OFF start for the whole simulation.
        > Does anyone remember this ?
        > Thank you !
        > Olivier

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