Francisco, regarding the technical side, there are gigantic differences in
terms of performance between the DK2 and GearVR?

I'm tempted to go wireless with the GearVR, but compared to the DK2 (
desktop ) I think that there is no match, but I would like to hear some
opinions about that.

Very nice job and for a good cause :)

2015-08-22 15:10 GMT+02:00 Leendert A. Hartog <hirazib...@live.nl>:

> Looks very fascinating. Do tell us more!
> Might even be a worth a"making-of" for the si-community.
> Contact me,  if you agree...
> --
> Leendert A. Hartog AKA Hirazi Blue
> Administrator NOT the owner of si-community.com

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