Thank you! Going to try and make it over for once.


From: Oliver Weingarten 
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 10:36 AM
Subject: UeberTage|2016 in Siegen/Germany September 16th 2016 !Program online!

Hey there! 
Visit us at UeberTage|2016 this year!

Register here:

Program can be found here:

“Making of Session” 45 minutes:
“Making of: Nike Air Max 1″
Matthias Zabiegly, Aixsponza Munich/Germany

  Developing a full retail package from layout to final for Nikes Air Max 1 
Ultra Flyknit launch. We’ll look at mood frames and dive deep into knitting 
technology both in 3d and real life.



“Cinema 4D Session” 45 minutes:
“Procedural Workflows in Cinema 4D”“
Orestis Konstantinidis, Maxon/Friedrichsdorf, Germany

  Demonstrating the combination of MoGraph and Fracturing in C4D 4D R18 for an 
artist-oriented, non-destructive workflow. Followed up by a small making of, 
where we take apart a setup built with native C4D tools.

  Orestis started as a freelancer and later worked in a Japanese studio for a 
few years. He is a technically-minded with special interest on rigging and 
  Now Orestis working at Maxon Computer GmbH as part of the UX Design team.



“Houdini Session” 45 minutes:
N.N., Sidefx/Toronto, Canada

  Subject and presenter is coming soon 



“Making of Session” 45 minutes:
“Making of: Mercedes Benz – Backstage”
Henning Westerwelle, Infected Post, Hamburg/Germany

  Case Study: Mercedes Benz – Backstage – how we created a fully digital music 
fest concert. Henning Westerwelle presents from a producer and VFX Supervising 
perspective the case study of Mercedes Benz Sprinter “Backstage” production. A 
film that involved the work of all disciplines from Infected for quite a few 



“Keyshot Session” 45 minutes:

“Rendering made fast, easy and accurate with KeyShot”

Dries Vervoort, Luxion, Aarhus/Denmark

  Learn how KeyShot can cover all your visualization needs. Find out how 
KeyShot enables you to create amazing renderings and animations, fast and easy. 
KeyShot is a CAD independent and standalone CPU based renderer and supports the 
widest number of 3D file formats on both Mac and PC.

  Dries Vervoort holds a Master’s degree in Product Development from the 
University of Antwerp, Belgium. He built several years of experience as an 
industrial designer before his long-standing passion for 3D visualization led 
him to move from Belgium to Aarhus, Denmark to support the development of 
KeyShot. He joined the ranks of Luxion as a Digital Media Artist and 
development supporter in August 2015. Dries divides most of his time between 
idea generation, concept development, creative development, software testing 
and training.



“ToonBoom and Making of” 45 minutes:
“From mice and monsters – a sketch hits the big screen”
Christian Asmussen, TrickStudio Lutterbeck GmbH, Cologne, Germany

  Since 1988 TrickStudio Lutterbeck produces 2D animation. On 09/08/16 
TrickStudio’s first feature film “Molly Monster – The Movie” will be released.
  Christian Asmussen shows the production of 2D hand-drawn animation with a lot 
of excerpts from current productions.



“Making of Session” 45 minutes:
“Making of:
Tim Borgmann, Wuppertal/Germany

  Tim Borgmann will talk about recent projects, beginning from “MindOverEye” to 
“Kinderriegel”. Tim is working as a freelance artist in vfx and graphics 
national as well as international since the mid of the nineties. During the 
years he has worked on a wide range of projects for different clients. His main 
focus is mostly vfx, look development and design. Besides my commercial work 
Tim spends his time on free art projects, always seeking for aesthetic and 
interesting image worlds.



“Clarisse Session and Making of” 45 minutes:

“Creating a massive city and landscape in Softimage and Isotropix Clarisse”

Jasper Scheepbouwer,  Planet X FX, Amsterdam/Netherlands

  Jasper Scheepbouwer, 3D supervisor at Dutch VFX-studio Planet X FX, will talk 
about how he took on the task of creating 16th-century Antwerp for an upcoming 
feature film. Along the way, he hopes to explain what Isotropix Clarisse 
actually is and how it can work as a companion to Softimage.

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