Amen to that Marcus :)
Everything that will give me news that SI and its community is still alive
and doing "stuff" is GOOD.

Le 25 janv. 2017 13:03, "Mirko Jankovic" <> a
écrit :

> Are you working directly for client creating animated  and CG content?
> Do they care what are you using to create it as long as it is done at
> quality level and on time?
> A lot of people will find them self in this situation and moving to
> anything any time soon would be probably killing for their business.
> So each to his own POV and needs.
> ᐧ
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 12:52 PM, Markus Cermak <> wrote:
>> Just to give a different POV
>> I would be very happy to support and pay for features added to Softimage.
>> I know that a lot ppl say its time to move on Softimage is dead etc. but
>> not all of us are working in a big Studio or as Freelancers.
>> So for us as a small studio Softimage is still and will be for a long
>> time the best tool for our Jobs.
>> Which span from 1 day to a couple of days deadlines.
>> There is nothing out there which can replace Softimage atm period.
>> So all I´m saying is plz don´t only put your POV on the subject and tell
>> ppl to move on because, there is still enough life in Softimage for me and
>> a few others.
>> So I would be willing to pay for development for a few features or even
>> workflow improvements (scripts,etc) and that would add a lot more value do
>> my work then switching DCC.
>> So even most of you thing the thoughts behind it are admirable, but not
>> worth it I think it is worth it.
>> cheers
>> markus
>> Am 25/01/2017 um 12:22 schrieb Rob Wuijster:
>> Although I like what you're trying to do, it's not really a viable option
>> imho.
>> I know we're all (still) reluctant to move on, but at some point we have
>> to admit Softimage is falling behind the curve.
>> Despite it's great workflow and ease of use.
>> Not to mention the rapid decline of Softimage related jobs that are out
>> there. Which is even more important a factor for a freelancer.
>> Over here there's - afaik - only one post studio left using Softimage,
>> and that will probably change in the near future.
>> So to be able to pay the bills, clinging on to Softimage for
>> post-production related work isn't an option for a lot of people.
>> With the above, there are basically two options, one is Maya, the other
>> Houdini.
>> Maya isn't that bad to switch to, it has become better with the latest
>> releases workflow wise. And it more or less behaves the same as Softimage
>> in many ways.
>> Houdini is a different beast, and will take some serious getting used to
>> due to the node based and procedural innards, but will give you tons of
>> freedom to play with.
>> So, like I said, the thoughts behind it are admirable, but it might be
>> time to start looking at something else for future developments.
>> Rob
>> \/-------------\/----------------\/
>> On 24-1-2017 21:11, Pierre Schiller wrote:
>> Gum"road" to:
>> * Someone developing PBR viewport (an addon using Py, maybe with new
>> Nvidia cuda .dlls?)
>> * Someone developing custom libraries (so every time something Open
>> Source comes up
>> it can be implemented through).
>> I know I would join a patreon or gumroad for that.
>> Because, and excuse me, Open source blender -addon maddness- it´s a
>> chimera (everyone developing at the same time, so many new things because
>> no one holds the "fryer by the handles"! (no one filters what´s really
>> necessary for the application to grow healthy)...
>> If that´s what´s going on on an Open source environment (and yes,
>> organization leads to neatness and efficiency), I´d much rather join
>> Gumroad or Patreon for anyone who´s willingly able to code what´s mentioned
>> on this thread.
>> Just and idea..
>> Best regards.
>> --
>> Portfolio 2013 <>
>> Cinema & TV production
>> Video Reel <>
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>> --
>> mfg
>> Markus Cermak
>> 3D-Animation Compositing
>> Leiss Postproduction GmbH
>> Adresse: Zirkusgasse 13/4 A-1020 Wien
>> Tel: +43/1/218 96 48
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> --
> Mirko Jankovic
> *
> <>*
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