Yes, that is the basic idea.  You also have the normals available to 
determine facing angle, and can do occlusion testing.  The SDK Triangle 
object provides the polygon index which can then be used to look up neighbor 
edges, vertices and polygons (if needed).

If you test the intersection point and triangle using barycentric 
coordinates, they’ll tell you which direction to travel next if the 
intersection is outside the triangle.  That information will help you 
reduce/eliminate further ray-plane tests for other triangles on the mesh and 
other points on your slicing line/plane.  The first few triangles will be 
the most expensive, but should get faster and faster as more triangles are 
eliminated from testing.  Even on large meshes, this shouldn't take too long 
on modern hardware.  If you want to get smart, you can treat it like a 
render and build a tree for faster lookups for more targeted ray casting, 
but that will likely only pay off for meshes with significant polygon 

The priority of the picking aspect of your tool is precision and 
reliability, not speed.  While what I suggest is quite a bit slower than 
supercover, it also provides better results and gives you more information 
to work with to make your tool more robust.  Just my opinion, but I don't 
think a user will complain much if picking edges takes a half second vs. 
milliseconds, but they will definitely complain if picking misses edges or 
picks the wrong edges or doesn't slice the mesh exactly right.  A reliable 
tool that gets it right the first time is always more valuable than a tool 
that runs in 1000x faster but produces wrong results.  Just ask any artist 
who has to work to 3:00 am every night.  Proof of that is Autodesk products. 
How many people are happy using Maya or 3DSMax and all their bugs?  Modelers 
are usually extremely picky about placement and orientation of edges.  If 
they have to reapply the tool multiple times to get them where they want 
them, they probably won't use the tool for long.


Date: Mon, 1 May 2017 09:09:18 +0300
From: Andrew Prostrelov <>
Subject: Re: Another rip question
To: "Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list";

Oh. I see, so the idea is to get both intersections. The fact that we have
more than one intersection tell us that one of this intersection is on a
front side and others are on a back side. So we can operate with a Z or a
simple distance value.
Ok. Also triangle gave us a plane and we can operate with a Plane to Plane
intersection. If intersection Parameter is out of u=1, v=1 range we get out
of triangle range. Well that's all variations i see so far.

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