
Given the recent discussion on Maya transforms, and my prior comments on the 
subject, I thought I would post this here since I think most Softimage folks 
will find it useful.

I've been attempting to acclimate to Maya again after a long time away from it 
and as a result of some recent projects that I had that felt were better suited 
to Maya. In the process I've discovered a few things that have changed or been 
added in recent version. One discovery in particular I think most former SI 
users will find useful is Bake Pivot.

It appears that the command Bake Pivot was added somewhere during version 2016, 
and evolved a bit between extension 1 and extension 2 of that version. In its 
current incarnation in 2017 and 2018 it appears to function in a way that will 
permit you the ability to edit the pivots to get a result similar to what you 
were getting in Softimage. To use it:

Create an object
Hit the Insert key
Modify your pivot as desired in both position and orientation (do not exit the 
pivot editing before baking)
Execute Modify>Bake Pivot (make sure it is Position and Orientation)

Once baked, the pivot will now be relative the object much the way you 
experienced this in XSI. And it seems to inversely modify the transforms so 
that everything is maintained within Maya space but in a way that will be 
familiar to anyone with a prior Softimage background. It seems to be doing 
something very similar to what we used to do in Maya by performing a 
unparent/freeze/reset/reparent relative the object and a dummy locator at world 
space. The Bake Pivot apparently performs all the inverse transformations and 
freeze/reset without the need to unparent.

If you're not on Maya 2016 Ext 2 or later you will still have to deal with 
pivots in the legacy manner. And  I'm still of the mindset to recommend that it 
is best not to edit pivots in Maya at all if you can avoid it. And least till I 
better understand what Bake Pivot is really doing...

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