Chris Hostetter wrote:
I'd rather see the the demo include XML files containing
add/update/delete/commit/optimize messages and a script that sends all the
adds and a commit ... then it's really obvious to people *how* to
populate/modify an index.

Instead of a script this could be a really simple Java class. It could take a file where each line has a url and a file to post to that url. Or, if all files can be posted to the same url, then it can just take a url to post things to and a list of files to post. Then the command could be something like:

java -classpath demo.jar org.apache.solr.demo.PostFiles http://localhost:XXX/solr/add *.xml

That's a cross-platform command-line.

Or you could simply have a form in a demo web ui where you can specify a directory of files to post to the server.


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