
> After reviewing solr I am excited about trying it out however I am a windows 
> guy. I am >going to try and set up solr using Tomcat/ISAP_Redirector/J2EE AND 
> even try to use the >original lucene(java version).

Know that although the ISAP_Redirector is a stable and mature piece of
software, it's not super-actively maintained.  Bugs are fixed and new
features added, but only very occassionally.

> Since I am somewhat new to java as well, could someone give me requirements 
> to >develop with solr/lucene for java? For example: is eclipse ok as the 
> development tool and >is tomcat the preferred container?

You need a JDK, preferably 1.4 and higher.  Any Servlet 2.3 compliant
container should work, so Tomcat 5.x or later, Jetty 5.x or later,
recent (<3 years old) versions of WebSphere or Weblogic, all should be
fine.  I'm biased towards Tomcat as the preferred container, but
that's just me ;)

Eclipse should also be OK as a development platform,

> Also, what drawbacks or limitations do you see if I use windows server/IIS 
> with >Tomcat/sobr?

Drawbacks or limitations compared to what other approach?


Yoav Shapira
Senior Architect
Nimalex LLC
1 Mifflin Place, Suite 310
Cambridge, MA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / www.yoavshapira.com

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