
On 10/9/06, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There is other stuff that needs to be done before we can release, such
as a change of copyright notices to comply with new ASF requirements.
I imagine incubator-general will go over the first release we make
with a fine-tooth comb looking for compliance with ASF release rules.

Yes.  Speaking with my incubator PMC hat on, I think we should do the
release prep stuff (LICENSE and NOTICE files, license resolution,
etc.) first before the technical things, because we know less about
them, they're required, and we are likely to underestimate the effort.

On 10/9/06, Mike Klaas  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The most important things that come to mind:
- stabilize/review external api (query parameters,
schema.xml/solrconfig.xml format, XML response format).  (for
instance, should debugQuery/explainOther combo be changed to
debug/debug.otherQuery?  Is the other query explain functionality

Yes, important, but not essential.  Whatever release we do first is
likely to be an alpha release to show a healthy and active community
and focus on non-technical issues towards graduating from the

- review/trim internal api.  Not as crucial as the above, but still
important.  An example is that fields have two write() methods, one
for the old XMLWriter and another for a generic TextResponseWriter.
Perhaps we could make a parent interface for output writing so that
this can be reduced to one method (the methods are identical for most
of defined fields).

Plenty of those examples around, all worthy of review and trimming,
but see above.

- remove all deprecated/compatibility code.

Yes, and this one actually has a bonus in that we don't have to worry
about licensing / noting (in our release documentation) any source we
don't ship...


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