: 2. Adding a phonetic token filter and relying on the per-field analyzer
: support.
: Option 2 seems like it would be a lot faster in production, and
: probably easier to implement. Does that seem right?

yep, just write your Analyzer (or TokenFilter) and drop it in.

: How do I specify the new token filter factory in the schema file?
: I don't quite get the mapping from solr.FooFilterFactory to
: org.apache.solr.analysis.FooFilterFactory.

Classes *should* be specified using the fully qualified package, but for
convincince, if Solr sees a package name of just "solr" it checks a few
known packages based on context (ie: org.apache.solr.analysis,
o.a.s.schema, etc...)

As discussed in SOLR-68, getting the classloader to find your custom
analyzer is currently a pain in the ass .. the easiest thing to do that
should work in any servlet container is add it directly to the solr.war
... but i'm hopeingto make that unneccessary soon.


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