Me toooo.. :-) Just too add my two cents :-) I would rather see a 3
mos release cycle then
mega big releases.. cos often times bugs i found were in customer site
and manging
customers wish... and most customer don't want to run nightly build on
production. This
is the case in enterprise segment. So I would love to see a regular
cycle of release from
solr. Off course this shouldn't create too much of a overhead so its
takes the fun out of
doing a release.

I would love to see SOLR-20 but as I remember this is not ready yet.


On 4/3/07, Ryan McKinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I want it all!!!

If you are thinking within the next week or two, I vote we focus on
consistent response format and better error handling.  I would suggest
that rather then map /update to SolrUpdateServlet, it should use the
new update handler framework - returning non 200 response for errors.

I would also vote for something like SOLR-179, but i have not heard
much feedback from others on that.

If the timespan were longer, I would want to get in modifying/updating
documents - but that still has a lot of design choices that we should
all feel confident about.

The other minor things I would like to see soon (but should not affect
release) are SOLR-184 and SOLR-176


On 4/3/07, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While it doesn't particularly feel like a natural place to have a
> release now, it has been 3.5 months since release 1.1, and that was
> while we were still in the incubator.
> More frequent releases allows users access to new features in a timely
> manner without using a nightly build, and thus allows developers more
> flexibility to change things between releases.
> So what features / issues do people think we need to resolve before we
> make a 1.2 release?
> -Yonik

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